

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Jaquelyn is a more modern spelling of the traditional French name Jaqueline. Each comes from the quintessential option, Jacques. Jaquelyn is not a top 1,000 option, however, but it is just over a top 8,000 name.

Meaning of the name Jaquelyn:

French: supplanter

Origin of the name Jaquelyn:

Jaquelyn is an alternative spelling to the original, Jacqueline. Jacqueline is the feminine form of the traditional French name, Jacques. Jacques was a variation of James, which comes from the Biblical Latin Iacobus.

Symbolism of the name Jaquelyn:

Jaquelyn has the same meaning as Jacques and James. They each date back to the Biblical Latin Iacobus, which comes from the ancient Hebrew Ya'aqov. All of these names, therefore, translate to “supplanter” in English.

Style of the name Jaquelyn:


Gender of the name Jaquelyn:

Jaquelyn is a refined name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Jaquelyn:


Number of syllables in the name Jaquelyn:


Emotion evoked from the name Jaquelyn:

Jaquelyn feels upper class and complex. It is formal and unique with this spelling option.

Alternative spellings for the name Jaquelyn:

Nicknames for the name Jaquelyn:

Popularity of the name Jaquelyn:

Jaquelyn has no history as a top 1,000 name option in America. As of this year, it is ranked number 8,219. Jacqueline, on the other hand, was once a top 300 name in the year 2000.

Related names for the name Jaquelyn:

Great middle names for Jaquelyn and their meanings:

  • Evette (living one, life giver)
  • Kendra (royal power, knowledge)
  • Hope (desire of fulfillment)
  • Cecille (blind)
  • Emery (brave, powerful, ruler)
  • Robin (famed, bright, shining)
  • Maren (star of the sea)
  • Matilda (mighty in battle)

Famous people with the name Jaquelyn:

  • Jaquelyn Xavier (actress, “Waldo the Dog”)

Jaquelyns in popular culture:

  • Jaquelyn (character from “I Will Be Beautiful”)
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