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Hanna is an alternative spelling of the biblical name Hannah. In the Bible, Hannah was favored or graced with a child she prayed for, which is what led to the name's meaning. It's a popular name among Christians, and both versions have been beloved among Americans since the 1980s. Hannah has even been in the top 100 for decades and made it into the top 10 during the 1990s. Choose the Hanna spelling for a common name that has a bit of uniqueness to it. Pair it with both classic and current middle names.

Meaning of the name Hanna:

Hebrew: Favor, grace

Origin of the name Hanna:

Hanna is an alternative spelling of the Hebrew name Hannah. Hannah is a name from the Bible, though it's often spelled Channah in Hebrew. Hannah is more of an Anglicized version. Hanna is a more common spelling in Slavic and Scandanavian countries.

Symbolism of the name Hanna:

Because of its meaning and biblical association, many parents of the Christian faith will find symbolism in the name Hanna. Some people interpret the name to mean “God has favored me with a child,” so some parents may choose the name if they see their new daughter as a miracle or a baby they have prayed for.

Style of the name Hanna:


Gender of the name Hanna:

Hanna is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Hanna:


Number of syllables in the name Hanna:


Emotion evoked from the name Hanna:

The baby name Hanna evokes images of someone who is a good friend and always ready to listen to others and try to help them.

Alternative spellings for the name Hanna:

Nicknames for the name Hanna:

  • Hannie
  • Hani
  • Hanny
  • Anna 
  • Ann

Popularity of the name Hanna:

According to the Social Security Administration, Hanna was a top 1,000 baby name up until 1913. It then fell off the list and came back in 1983, and it remains on the list today. It was most popular in 1998 when it ranked at number 165. In 2021, it ranked at number 557.

Related names for the name Hanna:

Great middle names for Hanna and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Hanna:

  • Hanna Alström (actress)
  • Hanna Granfelt (opera singer)
  • Hanna Hermansson (world champion runner)
  • Hanna Jaltner (Olympic swimmer)
  • Hanna Maron (actress)

Hanna in popular culture:

  • Hanna (character in the TV show and live action film “Hannah”)
  • Hanna(character in the book and TV show “Pretty Little Liars”)
  • Hanna Andersson (clothing company)
  • Hanna Donnelly (character in the “Illuminae Trilogy” books)
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