Gannon is an Irish surname that means “fair-skinned, fair-haired”. Gannon is used as a given name in the US but is not common elsewhere. Gannon has been sporadically popular but hasn’t had the staying power of other names. While not well-known in the United States, it's still a very unique name that some parents are still choosing. Read on to learn more.
Meaning and Origin of the name Gannon:
Gannon is an Irish boy’s name that means “fair-skinned” or fair-haired.” Gannon comes from the Gaelic surname Mag Fhionnáin. Gannon is not typically used as a given name outside of the U.S.
Symbolism of the name Gannon:
Gannon means “fair-haired, fair-skinned,” which describes a large percentage of those of Irish descent. Up to 30% of Irish people have blonde hair and an additional 10% have red hair. This is a much higher concentration than the rest of the world.
Nicknames for the name Gannon:
- Gan
- Gany
- Gann
- Ganno
- G
- Annon
- Nona
Style of the name Gannon:
Gender of the name Gannon:
Gannon is a boy's name.
Pronunciation of the name Gannon:
Number of syllables in the name Gannon:
Emotion evoked from the name Gannon:
Gannon evokes feelings of strength and intelligence.
Alternative spellings for the name Gannon:
Ganon, Gannen
Popularity of the name Gannon:
According to the Social Security Administration, Gannon is a baby boy’s name that has been sporadically popular. Gannon was on the top 1000 list between 2002 and 2006, and then between 2013 and 2018. Gannon peaked at #414 in 2014.
Related names for the name Gannon:
Great middle names for the name Gannon and their meanings:
- Clark (scholar)
- Reid (red-haired)
- Everett (brave as a wild boar)
- Oliver (olive tree)
- Felix (fortunate, lucky)
- Arlo (between two hills)
- Arthur (bear)
- James (supplanter)
Famous people with the name Gannon:
- Gannon Sinclair (American NFL player)
- Gannon Conway (American NFL player)
- Gannon Salinger (son of actor Matt Salinger)
- Gannon McKee (son of reality TV personalities Josh and Mackenzie McKee)
Gannons in popular culture:
- Ganon (video games, The Legend of Zelda series)
- Arcade Gannon (video games, Fallout New Vegas)
- Bill Gannon (television, The Simpsons)
- Gannon Roark (video game, Doom series)
- Rich Gannon (comics, Spiderman series)