

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Gabriela is an important name to parents of the Christian faith, as well as one of the top baby names in the United States. It's got a strong religious meaning, and it pairs well with a variety of classic middle names. Gabriela also comes with several fun nicknames for your baby girl.

Meaning of the name Gabriela:

Hebrew: Person of God or God is my strength

Origin of the name Gabriela:

Gabriela is a feminine version of the Hebrew name Gabriel. Gabriel is derived from a Hebrew word that means “person of God” or “God is my strength.”

Symbolism of the name Gabriela:

The baby name Gabriela's meaning lends itself to Christian symbolism, so parents who choose the name may see it as a symbol of their faith.

Style of the name Gabriela:


Gender of the name Gabriela:

Gabriela is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Gabriela:


Number of syllables in the name Gabriela:


Emotion evoked from the name Gabriela:

The baby name Gabriela evokes images of someone who is always coming up with new ideas and putting them into action.

Alternative spellings for the name Gabriela:

Nicknames for the name Gabriela:

  • Gabby
  • Gabbie
  • Gabi
  • Gabe
  • Gab

Popularity of the name Gabriela:

Gabriela has been a top 1,000 baby name since 1967, according to the Social Security Administration. As of 2020, it ranked at number 322.

Related names for the name Gabriela:

Great middle names for Gabriela and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Gabriela:

Gabrielas in popular culture:

  • Gabriela Dawson (character on the TV show “Chicago Fire”)
  • Gabriela Lopez (character from the X-Men franchise)
  • Gabriela McBride (name of an American Girl doll)
  • Gabriela “Gabi” Rodriguez (character on “Sesame Street”)
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