Faith is a pretty popular baby girl name, but in 1963 it was also the name of the capsule for the last crewed Mercury program space mission. Named the Faith 7, it launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida, completing 22 orbits of the Earth and returning home, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean.
Meaning and Origin of the name Faith:
Faith is a cute girl's name of English origin “confidence” or “belief.”
Faith is the English translation of the name of the Roman goddess Fides who was the goddess of trust, faithfulness, and good faith. Fides meant “confidence” and “belief.” The name was converted to the English name Faith adding the meaning “devotion and trust.” Faith is a virtue name and was popularized by the Puritans in the 17th century.
Symbolism of the name Faith:
Faith symbolizes devotion, belief, trust, and confidence in one's religion. It is one of the theological virtue names (Charity and Hope being the others) and is given as a testament.
Nicknames for the name Faith:
Faith is a sweet-sounding girl's name. Because Faith is a short name, there are only a few options for nicknames. Below is a list of nicknames for the baby name Faith to help you pick one for your daughter.
- Fay
- Fae
- Fai
- Fifi

Style of the name Faith:
Gender of the name Faith:
Faith is typically a name given to baby girls.
Pronunciation of the name Faith:
Syllables in the name Faith:
Emotion evoked from the name Faith:
The name Faith evokes a feeling of belief and determination.
Alternative spellings for the name Faith:
- Fayth
- Faythe
- Faithe
- Faeth
- Phaith
- Phaeth
- Phayth
Popularity of the name Faith:
According to the Social Security Administration index, Faith was ranked as the 136th most popular baby girl name in 2020. Its highest ranking in the last 20 years was 2002 when it came in at 48th most popular.
Related names for the name Faith:
Fae, Fay, Fayth, Faida, Fayda, Vita, Charity, Hope, Felicity
Great middle names for Faith and their meanings:
- Anne (grace)
- Brielle (God is my strength)
- Noelle (Christmas day)
- Prue (caution, discretion)
- Samara (Guardian)
- Victoria (victory)
Famous people with the name Faith:
- Faith Hill (singer)
- Faith Renée Evans (singer)
- Faith Prince (actor)
- Faith Dane (actor and singer)
- Faith Lou Esham (operatic soprano)
Faith in movies/pop culture:
- Faith(character for the television series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel”)
- Faith(character from the American soap opera “The Young and the Restless”)
- Faith Seed (character in the video game “Far Cry 5”)
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Anna-Kharchenko/