Evelyn was once mostly a masculine name, now it is typically thought of as a female name but it is very much a genderless name option. In 2002 the movie “Evelyn” was released featuring Pierce Brosnan, and Julianna Margulies and follows the struggles of a single dad trying to regain custody of his children. Keep reading to find out more about this baby name.
Meaning of the Name Evelyn
Norman French. Evelyn is a derivative of Aveline, a French feminine name. The name Avaline was brought to England by the Normans where it eventually transformed into Evelyn. Evelyn means “desired” which symbolizes not only suitors but also need in the world for what they have to offer. Evelyn also means “water” which is necessary to sustain life, so without it, life ceases.

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Nicknames for Evelyn
The name Evelyn evokes a feeling of desire, power, and strength. Below, we've compiled a list of possible nicknames for the Eve in your life. Hopefully, this list gets you inspired with options like “Eve” or “Evie”, but feel free to come up with your own that's unique to their vibrant personality.
Evelyn Name Details
Style: Classic
Gender: Neutral
Pronunciation: EV-uh-lin
Syllables: Three
Alternative Spelling for Evelyn
Evelyn Name Popularity
According to the Social Security Administration index, Evelyn was ranked ninth for baby girl names in 2020. Evelyn has ranked in the top 20 names every year since 2013
Related Names for Evelyn
Great Middle Names for Evelyn and Their Meanings
- Ann (He has favored me)
- Blue (color)
- Elizabeth (God is my oath)
- Ivy (ivy plant)
- Jean (God is gracious)
- Kate (pure)
- Mae (The fifth month)
Famous People Named Evelyn
- Evelyn Waugh (male, English writer)
- Evelyn Ashford (female, American track and field athlete)
- Evelyn Berezin (female, American computer designer)
- Evelyn Keyes (female, American film actress)
Evelyn in Popular Culture
- Evelyn Robin (character in Disney’s “Christopher Robin”)
- EvelynMulwray (character played by Faye Dunaway in the classic noir film, Chinatown)
- Evelyn Napier (a character from “Downton Abbey”)
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