

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Evangelina is a regal name that comes from the less tropical Evangeline. This refined option only exists because of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. As of 2021, Evangelina is just over a top 2,800 option for girls.

Meaning of the name Evangelina:

Latin: bearer of good news
Greek: bearer of good news

Origin of the name Evangelina:

Evangelina is the Latinate version of Evangeline. Evangeline is an ancient Greek option that comes from the words “eu” and “angelma.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow created Evangeline for his poem of the same name. Harriet Beecher Stove went on to increase the popularity of this option by creating a character named Evangeline. Evangelina became the Latin version shortly after.

Symbolism of the name Evangelina:

Evangelina means “bearer of good news” in Latin or Greek. The Greek word “eu” translates to “good.” “Angelma” meaans “news” or “message.”

Style of the name Evangelina:


Gender of the name Evangelina:

Evangelina is a noble name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Evangelina:


Number of syllables in the name Evangelina:


Emotion evoked from the name Evangelina:

Evangelina feels refined and noble. It is an upscale and formal name.

Alternative spellings for the name Evangelina:

  • Evangalina
  • Evangylina
  • Evangellina
  • Evangallina
  • Evangyllina

Nicknames for the name Evangelina:

Popularity of the name Evangelina:

Evangelina was first on the Social Security Popularity Index top 1,000 list in 1926 at rank 946. It remained on the index until 1952 at number 975. Evangelina is now a top 2,800 option. More specifically, it is number 2,802 for girls.

Related names for the name Evangelina:

Great middle names for Evangelina and their meanings:

  • Wren (small bird)
  • Brooke (water, small stream)
  • Rose (rose, a flower)
  • Paige (assistant, helper)
  • Ruth (friend, compassionate friend)
  • Adele (noble, nobility)
  • Elodie (foreign riches)
  • Yara (water lady, small butterfly)

Famous people with the name Evangelina:

Evangelinas in popular culture:

  • Sister Evangelina (character from “Call the Midwife”)
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