Esmae originated as the feminine version of the baby name Esme. It is the feminine version of Esme, originating in France. As of 2021, Esmae is a top 2,900 option for girls.
Meaning of the Name Esmae
Esmae is the feminine version of the baby name Esme. Esme translates to “esteemed” or “loved” in Old French. It became popular in the rest of the world because of the first Duke of Lennox. He existed in the 1500s in Scotland. Esme started to spread, eventually creating variations like Esmae.
Esmae is a variation of the masculine name Esme. Esme translates to “esteemed” or “loved” in Old French. Both titles have the same definitions.

Nicknames for Esmae
Esmae is a formal and refined baby name. It is upscale and classy and should be paired with a fun and confident nickname. If you're looking for a nickname for the Esmae in your life, we've compiled a helpful list of possible options:
- Mae
- Ez
- Ezzie
- Essie
- Es
Esmae Name Details
Style: Traditional
Gender: Esmae is traditionally considered to be a girls name.
Pronunciation: EHZ-may
Syllables: Two
Alternative Spellings for Esmae
- Esme
- Esmee
- Esmaeigh
- Esmai
- Esmaie
Esmae Name Popularity
Esmae is not a top 1,000 baby name for girls. It has no history on the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, Esmae is a top 2,900 option for girls at rank 2,882.

Related Names for Esmae
- Pamela
- Brinleigh
- Yvette
- Riley
- Annalise
- Elianna
- Clementine
- Celeste
Great Middle Names for Esmae and Their Meanings
- Pearl (precious gemstone, smooth and round stone)
- Raine (queen, she is singing)
- Blythe (cheerful, pleasant, joyous, gentle, kind)
- Fleur (flower)
- Viola (purple, violet)
- Sage (herb, prophet, wise, healthy)
- Marissa (of the sea, little Mary, high tower)
- Clarissa (bright, clear)
Esmae in Popular Culture
- Esmae (character from “VRChat Legends”)
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