

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Eryn is an alternative spelling of the baby girls' name Erin. It was fairly popular during the 1990s, but it has since fallen out of favor. Because inserting a “y” in place of an “i” is pretty trendy right now, we could see it making a comeback. The name has a strong Irish meaning, literally, and it's a great way to celebrate your Irish roots. Eryn pairs well with both classic and trendy middle names.

Meaning of the name Eryn:

Celtic: Ireland

Origin of the name Eryn:

Eryn is an American spelling of Erin, which is an English version of Éirinn. Éirinn is a Celtic way to say Ireland.

Symbolism of the name Eryn:

Because of its meaning, Eryn is largely associated with Ireland. So, new parents my choose this name for their baby if they want to honor their Irish roots or they have a passion for the Irish culture.

Style of the name Eryn:


Gender of the name Eryn:

Eryn is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Eryn:


Number of syllables in the name Eryn:


Emotion evoked from the name Eryn:

The baby name Eryn evokes images of someone who is always up for a challenge.

Alternative spellings for the name Eryn:

  • Erin 
  • Ehryn
  • Erinn
  • Erynn
  • Ehrynn

Nicknames for the name Eryn:

  • Eri
  • Rinnie
  • Rinny

Popularity of the name Eryn:

According to the Social Security Administration, Eryn was a top 1,000 baby name for girls between 1990 and 2001. It was most popular in 1995 when it ranked at number 850. It last ranked at number 911 in 2001.

Related names for the name Eryn:

Great middle names for Eryn and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Eryn:

  • Eryn Shewell (musician)
  • Eryn Ridings (actress)
  • Eryn Bulmer (diver)
  • Eryn Green (poet)
  • Eryn Eddy (author)
  • Eryn Allen Kane (musician)

Eryns in popular culture:

  • Eryn (character on the TV show “The Walking Dead”)
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