

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Waiting for a baby. Small girl. Happy birthday. Portrait of happy little child in white balloons. Sweet little baby. New life and birth. Childhood happiness. Family. Child care. Childrens day.


Ember is a popular modern baby girl’s name of either English or French origin. It can mean “spark” or “amber.” Ember has far surpassed the popularity of the name Amber as of 2020.

Meaning and Origin of the name Ember:

Ember is a girl's name of English and French origins. Ember “spark” or “glowing hot coals.”

Ember comes from the Old English word æmerge (meaning “spark”). Ember could be a variant spelling of the French name Amber, which means “amber-colored” or “jewel.” Ember is a variant of Amber and refers to the precious stone.

Symbolism of the name Ember:

The precious stone amber is thought to symbolize calming stress and the balancing of the mind. It is considered by some to be a healing stone.

Nicknames for the name Ember:

Ember is a sweet-sounding name for girls with several nicknames. We put together a list of nicknames that are perfect for the name Ember. Take a look at the list and determine which nickname is the perfect one for your baby girl.

Style of the name Ember:


Gender of the name Ember:

Ember is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Ember:


Number of syllables in the name Ember:


Emotion evoked from the name Ember:

Ember evokes feelings of kindness and compassion.

Alternative spellings for the name Ember:

  • Embyr
  • Ehmber

Popularity of the name Ember:

According to the Social Security Administration, Ember is a girl’s name that first became popular in 2009. Amber has surged to #187 as of 2020.

Great middle names for the name Ember and their meanings:

  • Lee (pasture, meadow)
  • Aria (air, song, melody)
  • Luca (light)
  • Logan (little hollow)
  • Daniella (God is my judge)
  • Cassidy (curly haired)
  • Holly (holy day)

Famous people with the name Ember:

  • Ember Husak (American actress)
  • Ember Moon (ring name of Adrienne Reese, American pro wrestler)
  • Ember Jean Roloff (daughter of reality TV's Jeremy and Audrey Roloff)
  • Ember McLain (television, “Danny Phantom”)
  • Ember Evergreen (web series, “Project Mc²”)
  • Princess Ember (television, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”)
  • Ember Holmes (literature, Trylle trilogy by Amanda Hocking)
  • Ember (video game, “Spyro”)
  • Ember Quinlan (literature, Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas)
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