

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Elliana is simply an American way to spell Eliana, which is a name that is popular in Spanish, Italian and Portugese cultures. This pretty name for baby girls pairs well with both traditional and modern one-syllable middle names, and it comes with a variety of cute nicknames, ranging from Ellie to Anna. Elliana may also be meaningful to those of the Christian faith.

Meaning of the name Elliana:

Hebrew: God has answered me
Latin: Of the Sun

Origin of the name Elliana:

Elliana is most likely a derivative of the Hebrew name Eliyanah, which means “God has answered me.” Some believe it could also be derived from the Latin name Aeliāna, which means “of the sun.”

Symbolism of the name Elliana:

Because the name translates to “God has answered me,” religious parents may feel that the name symbolizes the gift of a child from their God.

Style of the name Elliana:


Gender of the name Elliana:

Elliana The baby name Elliana is simply an American way to spell Eliana, which is a name that is popular in Spanish, Italian and Portugese cultures. This pretty name for baby girls pairs well with both traditional and modern one-syllable middle names, and it comes with a variety of cute nicknames, ranging from Ellie to Anna. Elliana may also be meaningful to those of the Christian faith.

Meaning of the name Elliana:

Hebrew: God has answered me
Latin: Of the Sun

Origin of the name Elliana:

Elliana is most likely a derivative of the Hebrew name Eliyanah, which means “God has answered me.” Some believe it could also be derived from the Latin name Aeliāna, which means “of the sun.”

Symbolism of the name Elliana:

Because the name translates to “God has answered me,” religious parents may feel that the name symbolizes the gift of a child from their God.

Style of the name Elliana:


Gender of the name Elliana:

Elliana is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Elliana:


Number of syllables in the name Elliana:


Emotion evoked from the name Elliana:

The baby name Elliana evokes images of elegance and light.

Alternative spellings for the name Elliana:

Nicknames for the name Elliana:

Popularity of the name Elliana:

Elliana first made the list of the top 1,000 baby names in the United States in 2005. As of 2020, it ranks at number 133, according to the Social Security Administration.

Related names for the name Elliana:

Great middle names for Elliana and their meanings:

  • Mae (pearl)
  • Sage (wise)
  • Ruth (compassionate friend)
  • Rose (flower)
  • Jolie (pretty)
  • Grace (God's grace)
  • Pearl (smooth round bead)
  • True (in accordance with reality)
  • Kate (pure)

Famous people with the name Elliana:

  • Elliana Pogrebinsky (ice dancer)
  • Elliana Walmsley (reality show star)

Ellianas in popular culture:

  • Elliana Ellington (doll from the Special Dolls collection)
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