Elena is a popular girl’s baby name that is commonly used all over the world. Elena ranks in the top 100 baby names in more than 26 countries worldwide. Derived from the Greek name Helen, the name means “bright, shining light.”
Meaning and Origin of the name Elena:
Elena is cute girl's name of Greek origin meaning “torch,” “bright,” “shining light,” or “moon.”
Elena is a pan-European version of the name Helen, which comes from the Greek name Helenē. This name is derived from the Greek word helene (meaning “bright” or “shining light”). Elena may also come from the Greek word selene (meaning “moon”). This name is widely used across Europe in countries like England, Wales, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Russia as well as the U.S.
Symbolism of the name Elena:
The name Elena is associated with a bright, shining light that provides guidance for those that are lost in the darkness.
Nicknames for the name Elena:
You may be looking for nicknames before deciding to name your daughter Elena. The nicknames associated with a name are just as important as the meaning of the name when choosing a name for your baby. Below is the list of nicknames for Elena to help you in your decision making. These nicknames are definitely adorable and pair perfectly with Elena.

Style of the name Elena:
Gender of the name Elena:
Elena is a girl's name.
Pronunciation of the name Elena:
ə-LAY-nə, EHL-ə-nə (English), EH-leh-na (Italian, German), eh-LEH-na (Spanish), yi-LYEH-nə, i-LYEH-nə (Russian)
Number of syllables in the name Elena:
Emotion evoked from the name Elena:
Elena evokes feelings of maturity and grace.
Alternative spellings for the name Elena:
Popularity of the name Elena:
According to the Social Security Administration, Elena has been a common name in the US since 1900 but popularity has steadily increased over time. The name has been in the top 100 since 2016.
Related names for the name Elena:
Great middle names for the name Elena and their meanings:
- Claire (bright, clear)
- Zoe (life)
- Cecile (blind)
- Adeline (noble)
- Lilith (of the night)
- Amari (to live long)
Famous people with the name Elena:
- Elena Kagan (American associate judge to the Supreme Court)
- Elena Ferrante (Italian novelist)
- Elena Anaya (Spanish actress)
- Elena Berezhnaya (Russian figure skater)
- Elena Liashenko (Russianfigure skater)
Elenas in popular culture:
- Elena Gilbert (media, The Vampire Diaries series)
- Elena (film, “2001: A Space Odyssey”)
- Elena Lincoln (media, Fifty Shades of Grey series)
- Elena (video games, “Street Fighter III”)
- Elena Castillo Flores (television, “Elena of Avelor”)
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