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Devontae is a baby name that has a unique look and sound. The baby name Devontae also comes with numerous variations. Read on to discover more information about the name.

Meaning of the name Devontae:

There is no real meaning found in the name Devontae.

Origin of the name Devontae:

There is no real way to find an origin behind the baby name Devontae seeing as it is an invented name. Devontae is a variation of “Devante”, a name that came to be in the modern world via combining different elements like “da”, “von”, and “tay”.

Symbolism of the name Devontae:

Devontae is a baby name that can symbolize someone who is a bit more free-spirited with a carefree attitude.

Style of the name Devontae:


Gender of the name Devontae:

Devontae is a baby name typically reserved for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Devontae:


Number of syllables in the name Devontae:


Emotion evoked from the name Devontae:

Devontae is a baby name that has a lot of style and is full of charm.

Alternative spellings for the name Devontae:

Nicknames for the name Devontae:

Popularity of the name Devontae:

Based on information from the Social Security Administration, Devontae has only ranked on the top 1000 list of popular baby names a handful of time in the 1990s. In 1992, Devontae landed as high as #707 before the name fell off the list after 1997.

Related names for the name Devontae:

Great middle names for Devontae and their meanings:

  • Khalil (friend)
  • Haris (estate ruler; cultivator)
  • Franklin (free landholder)
  • Roland (famous throughout the land)
  • Russell (redhead, fox-colored)
  • Malcolm (devotee of St. Colomba)
  • Craig (from the rocks)
  • Cash (hollow)

Famous people with the name Devontae:

  • Devontae Cacok (American basketball player)
  • Devontae Booker (American football player)
  • Devontae Shuler (American basketball player)

Devontaes in movies/pop culture:

Devontae does not appear to be a popular name used in films, TV shows, or music.

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