

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Dayna is a spelling variation of the more popular Dana. The latter originated as a surname in England, but it rarely shows up in Celtic and Scandinavian mythology. As of 2021, Dayna is a top 6,300 option for girls at rank 6,214.

Meaning of the name Dayna:

English: from Denmark, unknown

Origin of the name Dayna:

Dayna is a variation of the baby name Dana. Dana is the unisex version of Dayna, and it was originally a surname. It first became a given name in the late nineteenth century. Parents wanted to honor author Richard Henry Dana Jr., who wrote “Two Years Before the Mast.” It was not until the twentieth century that Dana became a unisex option and had spelling alternatives.

Symbolism of the name Dayna:

Dayna has the same meaning as the alternative, Dana. Some believe that Dana was a surname that represented English settlers from Denmark. This definition comes from the fact that there was some use of the name in Celtic and Scandinavian mythology.

Style of the name Dayna:


Gender of the name Dayna:

Dayna is a simple name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Dayna:


Number of syllables in the name Dayna:


Emotion evoked from the name Dayna:

Dayna feels informal and youthful. It is a simple and natural baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Dayna:

Nicknames for the name Dayna:

Popularity of the name Dayna:

Dayna first became a top 1,000 baby name for girls in 1955 at rank 877. It remained on the Social Security Popularity Index until 2000 at number 963. Dayna was most popular in 1982 at rank 543. As of 2021, Dayna is a top 6,300 option.

Related names for the name Dayna:

Great middle names for Dayna and their meanings:

  • Jasmine (gift from God, fragrant flower)
  • Jennifer (the fair one)
  • Marisol (Mary of Solitude)
  • Gabriella (devoted to God)
  • Nicole (people of victory)
  • Evelyn (wished for child)
  • Jolene (pretty, God will increase)
  • Miranda (to be wondered at, to be admired)

Famous people with the name Dayna:

  • Dayna Marie (TikTok star)
  • Dayna Frazer (model)
  • Dayna Kathan (reality TV star)
  • Dayna Martin (YouTube star)
  • Dayna Bolden (blogger)

Daynas in popular culture:

  • Dayna Jones (character from “Monster High”)
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