

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Curtiss is a spelling variation of Curtis. It comes from France, where it translates to “courteous” or “polite.” In modern times, this strong name option is only on the top 27,000 list.

Meaning of the name Curtiss:

English: courteous, polite
French: courteous, polite

Origin of the name Curtiss:

Curtiss is a spelling variation of the baby name Curtis. Curtis was originally a surname in England. The Normands brought it after invading the country. In the Old French language, Curtis was originally a word that translated to “courteous.” Curtis and its spelling variations, including Curtiss, were not first name options until the late nineteenth century.

Symbolism of the name Curtiss:

The baby name Curtiss has the same meaning as Curtis. Curtis was a surname in France and England that came from the French word “curtis.” “Curtis” translates to “courteous” in English.

Style of the name Curtiss:

Traditional as a surname, modern as a first name

Gender of the name Curtiss:

Curtiss is a strong name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Curtiss:


Number of syllables in the name Curtiss:


Emotion evoked from the name Curtiss:

Curtiss is a wholesome and powerful baby name. It is wholesome and mature.

Alternative spellings for the name Curtiss:

  • Curtis
  • Kurtis
  • Kurtiss

Nicknames for the name Curtiss:

  • Curt 
  • Curtie
  • Curty
  • Cee
  • Titi
  • Tiss

Popularity of the name Curtiss:

Curtiss was first a top 1,000 baby name in America in 1909 at rank 906. It stayed on and off the Social Security Popularity Index until 1970 at number 933. Curtis ranked highest in 1959 at rank 683. As of 2021, Curtiss is a top 27,000 option at number 26,114.

Related names for the name Curtiss:

Great middle names for Curtiss and their meanings:

  • Seamus (one who supplants, supplanter)
  • Sean (God is gracious)
  • Waylon (land beside the road)
  • Lawson (son of Lawrence)
  • Brooks who lives near a brook, someone who lives near a stream)
  • Foster (woodsman, forest keeper)
  • Ethan (strong, solid, firm)
  • Brett (of Briton)

Famous people with the name Curtiss:

Curtiss's in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Curtiss.

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