

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Coralie has a lot going for it. Not only does it sound romantic, but it's a nature name, and those are becoming quite popular. While Coralie is more beloved in France and French-speaking parts of Canada, we can see it making a rise in the United States. So, if you're looking for a unique name for your baby girl, use this one now before it becomes the next Olivia, Emma Or Ava.

Meaning of the name Coralie:

French: Coral
Latin: Coral

Origin of the name Coralie:

Coraline is a French name that means “coral.” It's derived from the Latin word “coralium.”

Symbolism of the name Coralie:

Coral itself has many symbolic meanings. Some think it's a sign of great change in your life. In Christianity, coral is sometimes considered a symbol of Christ's blood. Sailors once believed coral protected them from storms, while the Romans used it to protect them from disease.

baby name Coralie

Style of the name Coralie:


Gender of the name Coralie:

Coralie is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Coralie:


Number of syllables in the name Coralie:


Emotion evoked from the name Coralie:

The baby name Coralie evokes images of someone who is quiet, kind and intelligent.

Alternative spellings for the name Coralie:

  • Coralee
  • Coraleigh

Nicknames for the name Coralie:

Popularity of the name Coralie:

Coralie made the list of the top 1,000 baby names for girls in the United States in 1929. It hasn't been back on the list since, according to the Social Security Administration.

Related names for the name Coralie:

Great middle names for Coralie and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Coralie:

Coralies in popular culture:

  • Coralie Sardie (character in the book “The Museum of Extraordinary Things”)
  • Mademoiselle Coralie Brack (character in the book “The History of Pendennis”)
  • Coralie (character in the book “Lost Illusions”)
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