

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Colette was a fairly popular name in the mid-1900s and then it suddenly dropped out of the top 1000. It seems that Nicolette, which Colette is a shortened version of, was gaining traction and in 1988 it essentially replaced Colette on the chart. Keep reading to find out more about this baby name.

Meaning of the name Colette:

French: People of victory
Greek: People of victory

Origin of the name Colette:

Colette is the shortened version of Nicolette, which is the feminine form of the Greek name Nicholas meaning “people of victory”.

Symbolism of the name Colette:

From the meaning of “people of victory”, Colette symbolizes strength, power, and fortitude. A natural leader.

Style of the name Colette:


Gender of the name Colette:

Colette is a girl's name. It is the shortened version of the masculine Nicholas.

Pronunciation of the name Colette:


Syllables in the name Colette:


Emotion evoked from the name Colette:

The name Colette evokes a feeling of peace, freedom, and discipline.

Alternative spellings for the name Colette:

Colete, Collette, Kolette,

Nicknames for the name Colette:

Coco, Letty, Cole

Popularity of the name Colette:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Colette was ranked as the 529th most popular girl name in 2020. From 1928 to 1986 it was in the top 1000 names, falling out in 1987; it did not return to the top 1000 until 2012.

Related names for the name Colette:

Collette, Nicolette, Cosette, Sharlette, Scarlette, Juliette

Great middle names for Colette and their meanings:

  • Anne (grace)
  • Delaney (from the alder grove)
  • Ivy (ivy plant)
  • May (fifth month)
  • Rae (diminutive or nickname for Rachel)
  • Skye (Isle of Skye)

Famous people with the name Colette:

Colette in movies/pop culture:

  • Colette (character in “Ratatouille”)
  • Colette Brunel (a character in “Tales of Symphonia”)
  • Colette Hankinson (a character in “Coronation Street”)
  • Colette Green (a character in the videogame “Half-Life: Decay”)
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