

Baby Boy Names


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Coleton is a likeable baby name for boys. Distinctively English, it is a recognizable place name that later became a given name. Coleton is the name of a region in the Accorlia series, and Coleton was also a character in Brandon's Bride by Alicia Scott. Keep reading to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Coleton:

Old English: Coal town, charcoal settlement, swarthy person

Origin of the name Coleton:

Coleton is an alternative spelling of Colton. This name derives from the Old English element col (meaning “coal” or “charcoal”) and the Anglo-Saxon word tūn (meaning “town” or “settlement”). The name referred to a location known for coal mines or charcoal production. It could also refer to an individual with a swarthy complexion.

Symbolism of the name Coleton:

Coleton originates from the Old English words col (meaning “coal”) and tūn (meaning “town”). It was a location name and then arose as a surname in southwest England. The symbol of this surname is the Coleton Fishacre (a manor and house seat still located in Devon, England).

Style of the name Coleton:


Gender of the name Coleton:

Coleton is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Coleton:


Number of syllables in the name Coleton:


Emotion evoked from the name Coleton:

The name Coleton evokes feelings of charisma and charm.

Alternative spellings for the name Coleton:

  • Colton 
  • Colten
  • Coltan
  • Colden
  • Kolton
  • Koleton

Nicknames for the name Coleton:

Popularity of the name Coleton:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Coleton was the 5,076th most popular baby name for boys in 2020.

Related names for the name Coleton:

Great middle names for Coleton and their meanings:

  • Ace (highest rank)
  • Augustine (great, magnificent)
  • Boyce (woodland, forest)
  • Declan (man of prayer, full of goodness)
  • Evan (God is gracious)
  • Howie (high defender, chief guardian, ewe herder)
  • Montez (mountain dweller)
  • Otto (wealthy, prosperous, fortunate)
  • Payne (rustic countryman)
  • Piers (stone, rock)
  • Samson (sun)
  • Wyatt (mighty in battle, brave in war)

Famous people with the name Coleton:

Coleton in popular culture:

  • Coleton (region in the Accorlia series)
  • Coleton (character in Brandon's Bride by Alicia Scott)
  • Coleton Fishacre (National Trust property in Devon, England)
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