
Cleo is a unisex baby name of Greek origin that means “glory”. Cleo was popular both as a masculine and feminine name from 1900 to the mid-1950s. It has returned to popularity as a girl’s name since 2019.

Meaning of the name Cleo:

Greek: glory

Origin of the name Cleo:

Cleo is a unisex Greek name that means “glory”. It is a diminutive of the names Cleopatra, Cleon, and Cleopas.

Symbolism of the name Cleo:

Cleo has a namesake in the Alstroemeria ‘Cleo' flower. It is a type of Peruvian lily with dense pink-purple blooms streaked with yellow and mahogany.

Style of the name Cleo:


Gender of the name Cleo:

Cleo is a unisex baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Cleo:


Number of syllables in the name Cleo:


Emotion evoked from the name Cleo:

Cleo evokes feelings of success and ambition.

Alternative spellings for the name Cleo:

Clio, Cleyo, Cliyo, Cleoh

Nicknames for the name Cleo:

Popularity of the name Cleo:

According to the Social Security Administration, Cleo is a popular baby name. As a girl’s name, Cleo was in the top 1000 baby names list from 1900 to 1956 and returned in 2019. It peaked at #171 in 1907. As a boy’s name, Cleo was in the top 1000 baby names list from 1900 to 1957. It peaked at #258 in 1915.

Related names for the name Cleo:

Great middle names for the name Cleo and their meanings:



  • Evelyn (desired, water, island)
  • Adelaide (noble, nobility)
  • Elsie (pledged to God)
  • Wren (little bird)
  • Arabella (yielding to prayer)
  • Sophia (wisdom)
  • Mira (admirable, peace, female ruler, ocean)
  • Isolde (ice ruler)

Famous people with the name Cleo:

  • Cleo Laine, Lady Dankworth (English jazz singer)
  • Cleo Page (Canadian rhythmic gymnast)
  • Cleo Patra Brown (American jazz singer)
  • Cleo Rocos (Brazilian-British comedienne)
  • Cleo Pires (Brazilian actress)

Cleo in popular culture:

  • Cleo (film, “Pinocchio”)
  • Cleo (media, “Clifford the Big Red Dog” series)
  • Cleo Sertori (television, “H2O: Just Add Water”)
  • Cleo (film, “Invisible Sister”)
  • Cleo de Nile (media, “Monster High”)
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