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Chynna is a name that tends to evoke thoughts of a very specific place. Interestingly, though, the name is rarely used in association with the culture. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Chynna:

American: The nation of China

Origin of the name Chynna:

Chynna is a name of American origin that refers to the nation of China.

Symbolism of the name Chynna:

Chynna tends to symbolize the far-away and exotic to most, adding an air of mystery to a child's life.

Style of the name Chynna:


Gender of the name Chynna:

Chynna is almost exclusively used as a name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Chynna:


Number of syllables in the name Chynna:


Emotion evoked from the name Chynna:

Chynna tends to evoke emotions related to feeling intrigued or curious.

Alternative spellings for the name Chynna:

Nicknames for the name Chynna:

  • Chai
  • Na-na
  • Chine

Popularity of the name Chynna:

According to the Social Security Administration, Chynna last ranked as one of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1996 when it was the 834th most popular name for baby girls. It peaked in popularity in the same year.

Related names for the name Chynna:

Great middle names for Chynna and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Chynna:

  • Chynna Flores (American comic book creator)
  • Chynna Phillips (American singer)
  • Chynna Rogers (American actor and model)

Chynnas in popular culture:

  • Chynna Doll (ring name of wrestler Joanie Lauer)
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