

Baby Boy Names


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Baby Names



Laughing baby under 1 year old wearing knitted pink hat lying in bed closeup. Looking at camera. Happiness. Childhood.


Without a doubt, Carol is one of the most common names for females in the United States, though babies born today are more likely to have a grandmother with the moniker. It was super popular throughout the 20th century, and it even reached the list of the top five names for girls in the United States during the 1940s. But in 2006, it officially fell off the Social Security Administration's list of the top 1,000 baby names for girls in the United States. If you want to make Carol trendy again, pair it with a current middle name, like Harper, Olivia, or Mia.

Meaning and Origin of the name Carol:

Carol is both a word name and a derivative of Charles. As an English word name, it means “joyful song” and is often associated with Christmas songs. As a French name, it's a short version of Caroline, which is one of many feminine derivatives of Charles, and means “free man.”

Symbolism of the name Carol:

Carol is often considered a “Christmas name” because of its association with Christmas carols and songs. New parents may find some symbolism in the French meaning “free man.” Because babies born today are likely to have an older relative or loved one named Carol, it's also a great way to honor a family member.

Nicknames for the name Carol:

  • Cari 
  • Carrie
  • Carie
  • Car
  • Care
  • CiCi
  • Carl

Style of the name Carol:


Gender of the name Carol:

Carol is a unisex baby name, though it's far more common for girls in modern times.

Pronunciation of the name Carol:


Number of syllables in the name Carol:


Emotion evoked from the name Carol:

The baby name Carol evokes images of someone who is strong, outspoken, and a leader.

Alternative spellings for the name Carol:

Popularity of the name Carol:

According to the Social Security Administration, Carol was a top 1,000 baby name up until 2006, and it even spent some time as a top 10 baby name for girls in the United States. It was most popular in 1941 when it ranked at number four. It last ranked at number 973 in 2006.

Great middle names for Carol and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Carol:

  • Carol Burnett (comedian and actress)
  • Carol Higgins Clark (author)
  • Carol Kane (actress)
  • Carol Rhodes (painter)
  • Carol Channing (singer, actress, and comedian)
  • Carol (character in the movie Where the Wild Things Are)
  • Carol Hathaway (character on the TV show ER)
  • Carol Kester (character on The Bob Newhart Show)
  • Carol (character in the Dilbert Comic strip)
  • Carol Post (character on the TV show Mister Ed)
  • Carol Brady (character on the TV show The Brady Bunch)
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