

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Cambria is another name for the country of Wales. It is derived from the Welsh name, Cymru. This name is rare if you are looking for a unique name.

Meaning of the name Cambria

Welsh: The People

Origin of the name Cambria

Latin form of the word Cymru is the Welsh word for Wales.

Symbolism of the name Cambria

Cambria descended from the Brittonic word Combrogi, meaning fellow countrymen. It is also used internationally in geology to describe the period of time between around 542 million and 488.3 million years ago.

Style of the name Cambria


Gender of the name Cambria

Cambria is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Cambria


Number of syllables in the name Cambria


Emotion evoked from the name Cambria

Cambria evokes feelings of youth and beauty, community, and togetherness.

Alternative spellings for the name Cambria

Nicknames for the name Cambria

Popularity of the name Cambria

Cambria is a rare name, not even coming on the charts until 2009. It gained a little popularity in 2011 and 2012 but is still not used very often.

Related names for the name Cambria

Great middle names for Cambria and their meanings

Famous people with the name Cambria

  • Shane Cambria (actor in Nic & Tristan Go Mega Dega)
  • Cambria Edwards (actress in Gotham Rock Anthem)
  • Giana Alexis Cambria (actress in Anti-PainKillers)
  • Cambria Hankin (casting director for OutSmart)
  • Cambria Danielle Privett (American soccer player)

Cambrias in popular culture

  • Coheed and Cambria (rock band)
  • A Microsoft Word font
  • The Beginning of Life (i.e. The Cambrian explosion)
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