

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Britani is one of the most unique variations of the more traditional Brittany. This baby name dates back to the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons throughout France, eventually settling in Bretagne. Though a traditional name, Britani and its variations did not come to America until the late twentieth century.

Meaning of the name Britani:

English: from Britain

Origin of the name Britani:

Britani is a trendier variation of the more common Brittany. It is a name associated with the Briton people who settled in France after the Anglo-Saxon invasion. They lived in a location known as Bretagne, similar in sound to Britani.

Symbolism of the name Britani:

The baby name Britani means “from Britain” because it was originally a title for the Britons in France. As the name implies, these individuals were from the United Kingdom. They also lived in a location in France called Bretagne, lending itself to the pronunciation of Britani.

Style of the name Britani:


Gender of the name Britani:

Britani is a fun spelling option of a feminine name.

Pronunciation of the name Britani:

BRIT-uh-nee or BRIT-nee

Number of syllables in the name Britani:

Two or three

Emotion evoked from the name Britani:

Britani feels young and informal. It is a simple name that is approachable.

Alternative spellings for the name Britani:

Nicknames for the name Britani:

  • Bri
  • Brie 
  • Brit
  • Tani
  • Rita
  • Nini

Popularity of the name Britani:

Britani is not a top 1,000 baby name option in America, nor has it ever been. As of this year, it is rank 18,115. Brittany, on the other hand, is rank 1,786.

Related names for the name Britani:

Great middle names for Britani and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Britani:

  • Britani Batemen (actress, “The R.M.”)
  • Britani Knight (ring name of Paige Bevis, wrestler)

Britanis in popular culture:

No fictional characters have the name Britani.

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