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Baby Names



Two month old, boy and girl fraternal twin babies. They are sleeping and swaddled together in pink and blue wraps that are tied together in a bow.


Briar is a modern English baby name that first became popular in the mid 2010’s. The name is a rare example of a unisex name that is equally as popular with boys and girls.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Briar:

Briar is a modern English baby name for both girls and boys. The name is the term for a thorny patch of plants, often berry bushes. Nature-loving parents will be interested in this name!

Symbolism of the Name Briar:

Briars are thorny patches of plants and often symbolize struggle and perseverance.

Nicknames for the Name Briar:

As a short name, Briar has fewer nickname options than longer names. That doesn't mean you're out of luck, though! We've got some great choices for you to look through here:

Style of the Name Briar:


Gender of the Name Briar:

Briar is a named used for both boys and girls.

Pronunciation of the Name Briar:


Number of Syllables in the Name Briar:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Briar:

Briar evokes feelings of strength and wisdom.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Briar:

Bryar, Brier, Briarre

Popularity of the Name Briar:

According to the Social Security Administration, Briar is a modern unisex name. As a boy’s name, Briar became popular in 2017 and has hit #743 as of 2022. As a girl’s name, Briar first became popular in 2015 and is at #533 as of 2022.

Great Middle Names for the Name Briar and Their Meanings:


  • Milo (soldier or merciful)
  • Sorin (star)
  • Theodore (gift of God)
  • Levi (joined, attached)
  • Rhys (joined, attached)
  • Everett (brave as a wild boar)


Famous People with the Name Briar:

  • Briar Nolet (Canadian dancer and actress)
  • Briar Palmer (New Zealander football player)
  • Briar Gardner (New Zealander potter)
  • Briar Hurlimann (Swiss curler)
  • Briar(name of Sleeping Beauty in many version of the fairy tale)
  • Briar Moss (literature, Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce)
  • Briar Gates (film, “Next of Kin”)
  • Briar (comics, “Rose in Bone”)
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