

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Bethany has been in popular use in America since the 1950s. Prior to this, it was in use in Europe among members of the Catholic church since the 1800s. The name represents the name of a town that is found in the New Testament where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived.

Meaning of the name Bethany:

Hebrew: house of figs
English: place of figs, town near Jerusalem

Origin of the name Bethany:

Bethany originates as a place name based on the town Bethania in the Greek language. The town of Bethany is seen throughout the New Testament as it is where Mary and Martha lived with their brother Lazarus. During the 1800s, Catholics began to use Bethany as a first name to honor Mary from the city.

Symbolism of the name Bethany:

Bethany was originally intended by the Catholic church to be a name that would honor Mary and her siblings who were from the Biblical town. This is why the name Bethany retains the same meaning as the town of Bethany which is “house of figs.”

Style of the name Bethany:


Gender of the name Bethany:

Bethany is a great name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Bethany:


Number of syllables in the name Bethany:


Emotion evoked from the name Bethany:

Bethany is a wholesome name that is lighthearted and kind. It also feels full of passion.

Alternative spellings for the name Bethany:

  • Bathanee
  • Bathanei
  • Bethaney
  • Bethani
  • Bethanie
  • Bethanny

Nicknames for the name Bethany:

Popularity of the name Bethany:

The baby name Bethany became a top 1,000 name in America in 1949 at number 903. It was a top 200 name from 1976 to 1982 and again from 1989 to 2002. Between that time, from 1983 to 188, Bethany was a top 100 name. The popularity has sharply declined as Bethany is now rank 603 for girls.

Related names for the name Bethany:

Great middle names for Bethany and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Bethany:

  • Bethany Hamilton (professional surfer that “Soul Surfer” is about)
  • Bethany Lenz (actress, “One Tree Hill”)
  • Bethany Richards (actress, “Kid Cop”)
  • Bethany Balcer (professional soccer player)
  • Bethany Fisher (professional dancer)

Bethanys in popular culture:

  • Bethany Simmons (character from “Medium”)
  • Bethany (character from “Christmas Vacation”)
  • Bethany Hawke (character from “Dragon Age 2” video game)
  • Bethany Young (character from “Pretty Little Liars”)
  • Bethany Williams (character from “Love, Rosie”)
  • Bethany Peters (character from “Stuck in the Middle”)
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