

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Alme is an extremely rare baby name that comes from the more popular Alma. It offers a kind-hearted and European sound for your daughter. Alme is nowhere near the top 1,000 list, so your child is sure to stand out too.

Meaning of the name Alme:

Estonian: soul, nourishing

Origin of the name Alme:

Alme is the Estonian variation of the baby name Alma. Alma came from the Latin word “almus,” though Alma is also a Spanish word that means “soul.” Alma spread in popularity, creating a variety of variations like Alme, after the Battle of Alma in 1954.

Symbolism of the name Alme:

Alme means “soul” because of the original name, Alma. Alma is the word for “soul” in the Spanish language. Alme could also mean “nourishing” if it comes from the Latin word “almus.” “Almus” translates to “nourishing.”

Style of the name Alme:


Gender of the name Alme:

Alme is a rare name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Alme:


Number of syllables in the name Alme:


Emotion evoked from the name Alme:

Alme is a tender-hearted and wholesome name. It is delicate and approachable.

Alternative spellings for the name Alme:

  • Almey
  • Almay
  • Almae
  • Almaea
  • Allme
  • Allmey
  • Allmay

Nicknames for the name Alme:

  • Meme
  • Ally
  • Ali 
  • Alm
  • Almz

Popularity of the name Alme:

Alme is not a top 1,000 baby name in America. Alma, on the other hand, is still a top 600 option at rank 567. Alma was most popular in the early twentieth century when it was on the top 100 list, coming in at number 52 in 1901.

Related names for the name Alme:

Great middle names for Alme and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Alme:

There are no famous people with the name Alme.

Almes in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the name Alme.

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