

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Alexus is a trendier spelling variation of the classical Alexis. Though once a top 200 baby name, Alexus is now a top 9,000 option. It still has a more urban feel, however, if you want to go that route.

Meaning of the name Alexus:

Greek: defender of the people

Origin of the name Alexus:

Alexus is a spelling variation of the original Greek baby name, Alexis. Alexis first showed up in the third century B.C. as the name of a poet and a multitude of Christian saints. Alexus and Alexis both come from the Greek word “alexo,” which also helped to form the names, Alexander and Alexandra.

Symbolism of the name Alexus:

Alexus comes from the original Greek name, Alexis, which also means “defender of the people.” These each come from the word “alexo,” which means “to defend” or “to help.”

Style of the name Alexus:


Gender of the name Alexus:

Alexus is a strong female name.

Pronunciation of the name Alexus:


Number of syllables in the name Alexus:


Emotion evoked from the name Alexus:

Alexus is a strong and powerful name for girls. This spelling option gives it a modern and urban vibe too.

Alternative spellings for the name Alexus:

  • Alexis 
  • Aleksis
  • Alexys
  • Allexis
  • Alecksys
  • Alexxis

Nicknames for the name Alexus:

Popularity of the name Alexus:

Alexus became a top 1,000 name in America in 1991 at rank 952. It left the top 1,000 list in 2010 at number 975, currently ranking at number 8,835. Alexus was most popular from 1996 to 1998 as a top 200 name, ranking at number 178 in 1996.

Related names for the name Alexus:

Great middle names for Alexus and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Alexus:

  • Alexus Oladi (reality TV star, “Dance Moms”)
  • Alexus Brown (author)

Alexus' in popular culture:

There are no popular culture references to the baby name Alexus.gree

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