Aaden is a traditional Irish name that has been modernized as Aidan or Aiden. Keep reading to find out more about this baby name.
Meaning of the name Aaden:
Irish/Scottish: little fire
Manx: fire
Origin of the name Aaden:
Aaden is the traditional spelling of the Irish name Aidan and is also translated as Aedan. Originally, Aaden was the nickname for the name Aodh. Several historic kings, monks, and saints were named Aaden.
Symbolism of the name Aaden:
Fire has many different symbolic meanings in Irish and Celtic folklore. Fire is associated with strength, spirituality, and forces of nature.
Style of the name Aaden:
traditional, unique
Gender of the name Aaden:
Male. Aaden has historically been exclusively a masculine name.
Pronunciation of the name Aaden:
AY-den (modern)
AY-donn (traditional Irish)
Number of syllables in the name Aaden:
Emotion evoked from the name Aaden:
The name Aaden evokes feelings of strength, confidence, and warmth.
Alternative spellings for the name Aaden:
Aedan, Aaden, Aidan, Aiden, Edan, Aydan
Nicknames for the name Aaden:

Popularity of the name Aaden:
According to the Social Security Administration, Aaden only appeared in the top 1000 baby names in the US between 2005 and 2010. The name peaked in popularity in 2006 at #759.
Related names for the name Aaden:
Great middle names for Aaden and their meanings:
- Lucas (bringer of light)
- Alexander (defender of man)
- Michael (“who is like God?”)
- Theodore (gift of God)
- Lee (clearing, meadow)
- Sean (God’s gracious gift)
- Niall / Neal (champion, passionate, or vehement)
- Conor / Connor (lover of hounds)
Famous people with the name Aaden:
- Aaden Gosselin (reality TV star)
Aadens in popular culture:
- Aaden (literature, The Wakening Series by Jonathan Renshaw)
- Aaden/Aodh (Irish mythology, god of the underworld)