Americans Often Miss These Basic Etiquette Rules — Will You?
Unless you live in a place where Southern hospitality is the norm, many etiquette rules aren’t as well known in modern society. Despite how many rules of etiquette have fallen out of practice, they’re still an important way to display good manners and engage with others in social settings. If you think you’re an expert on proper etiquette, test your knowledge with these basic etiquette rules Americans often miss.
What should you wait for before you start eating?
Before you dig into your food, make sure this has happened.
Answer: For everyone to be served
No matter how hungry you are, it’s important to wait until everyone else is seated and served before you take the first bite.
Which way should you pass food at the table?
Many Americans don’t realize there's an etiquette rule about which direction you should pass the food.
Answer: To the right
When there are dishes to pass around the table, it's proper etiquette to pass the food to the right.
How much should you tip?
It can be tricky to know how much to tip in every scenario, but there is a general rule about how much you should tip.
Answer: 20%
It’s generally considered proper to tip 20% unless there was a major issue with the service you received.
What should you put away when you’re spending time with others?
It’s not easy to do, but you should put this away when you’re spending time with other people.
Answer: Your phone
It’s always good practice to put your phone away in social situations to connect with the people around you.
What should you avoid doing during a movie?
Like being in a restaurant, there are certain etiquette rules to follow when you’re in the movie theater.
Answer: Texting
Many theaters will have a reminder to turn off your phone during the movie, but it’s important to remember how disturbing the light from your phone can be to other people.
When should you return an RSVP?
RSVPs aren’t as common nowadays, but if you receive one in the mail or digitally, this is when you should return your RSVP.
Answer: As soon as possible
No matter what kind of event you’re invited to, if it comes with an RSVP, return it right away whether you're able to make it or not.
What should you always send with a baby gift?
If you’re bringing a gift to a baby shower, always make sure you send this with it.
Answer: A gift receipt
People love buying gifts for babies but don't forget to send a gift receipt so the mom-to-be has the option to exchange or return something she doesn’t need.
What should you bring for the host when you’re invited to a party?
This practice isn’t as common nowadays, but it’s still good etiquette when someone invites you to a party.
Answer: A gift
When someone extends an invitation to you, it’s a nice gesture to bring a gift for the host. It can be something as simple as a dish to share or a bottle of wine.
What should you remember to send after receiving a gift?
This basic etiquette rule is often forgotten even though it's an important way to show gratitude.
Answer: A thank you note
It may seem old-fashioned, but it’s still appropriate to send a thank you note when someone gives you a gift.
What should you do before moving to the next machine at the gym?
Gym etiquette is just as important as etiquette in other places.
Answer: Wipe down the machine
If you’re working out at the gym, it’s your responsibility to wipe down your equipment so it’s clean for the next person.
What should your dog always wear when out in public?
Even for well-trained dogs, it’s important for them to wear this.
Answer: A leash
Even if you think your dog is well-behaved without a leash, keep your dog on a leash when you’re in public places, especially if you’re in a place that requires it.
What should you be prepared to do when walking your dog?
This is one of your many responsibilities as a dog owner.
Answer: Clean up after them
Although it should be a no-brainer, it’s your responsibility as a dog owner to clean up after your dog. Always bring plastic bags when you’re walking your dog in public.
What should you always do before taking someone’s picture?
Those who don’t mind having their picture taken might not think about this basic etiquette rule.
Answer: Ask their permission
Not everyone likes to have their picture taken, so be sure to ask permission before taking someone’s picture.
What should you never do with someone’s picture without asking?
Many people nowadays do this without thinking, but it’s important to ask someone before doing this.
Answer: Post it online
If someone agrees to have their picture taken, they don't necessarily want it posted online. It's also important to ask the parent before you post a picture of someone's child online.
What’s the best way to respect the time of others?
Even though it’s become more common nowadays to not practice this rule, this is still the best way to show others that you respect their time.
Answer: Show up on time
Running late is something that happens to everyone, but being punctual is the most basic way to show others that you respect your time. If you are going to be late, be sure to let the other person know.
What should you do if someone is walking into the building after you?
It's easy to forget about this etiquette rule if you're not paying attention to those around you.
Answer: Hold the door for them
If someone is walking into a building after you, it’s always polite to hold the door for them.
What type of language should you avoid using in social situations?
Despite how many people speak online and on TV or in movies, there are still some types of language you should avoid when you’re in a social situation.
Answer: Foul language
Foul language and swearing may be commonplace nowadays, but it’s still considered inappropriate in many social settings, especially in a crowd you're not as familiar with.
It's okay to talk, but you should do this more
One of the many rules of etiquette in social situations has to do with controlling how much you talk.
Answer: Listen
In social situations, be intentional about listening to others more than you speak and asking about other’s lives more than you talk about yours.
What two phrases should you always say to show respect to others?
This is one of the most basic rules when it comes to good manners, but these phrases are often forgotten in the modern world.
Answer: Please and thank you
Saying "please" and "thank you" is one of the most basic ways to show gratitude and be polite to others.
What should you do with your chair before you leave the table?
It’s something many people forget but you should take the time to do this before you leave the table.
Answer: Push it in
When you get up from the table to leave, whether you’re coming back or not, always push your chair in.