Adjectives to Describe Food and Recipes For all you food bloggers and writers, this is the best resource for describing and writing about food and recipes. Become the Shakespeare of the food writing world with descriptions that make your readers almost able to taste the dish you're discussing. The big list of 540 Ways to Describe Food is the ultimate food writer's treasure, because you really do need other ways to say “yummy”.
A Acerbic Acid Acidic Acrid Aftertaste Aged Airy A la carte A la king A la mode Alcoholic Al dente Almond flavored Amazing Ambrosia Ambrosial Ample Appealing Appetizing Aroma Aromatic Astringent Au fromage Au gratin Au jus
B Balsamic Baked Barbecue Basted Bathed in Battered Béarnaise Beautiful Bite-size Biting Bitter Bittersweet Blackened Blah Blanched Bland Blended Bold Bolognese Boiled Boneless Brackish Braised Breaded Brewed Briny Brittle Broiled Browned Bubbly Burning Burnt Bursting Butterflied Buttery
C Cacciatore Cakey Candied Candy-coated Canned Caramelized Caustic Chalky Charbroiled Charcuterie Charred Cheesy Chewy Chili Chilled Chipotle Chocolaty Choice Chopped Chowder Chunky Clarified Classic Classical Classy Cold Colorful Cool Comforting Comfort Food Condensed Condiment Copious Course Crafted Creamed Creamery Creamy Creole Crisp Crispy Crumbly Crunchy Crusty Crystalized Cuisine Curd Curdled Cured Curried
D Dainty Dash Dazzling Decadent Deglaze Dehyrated Delectable Delicate Delicious Delightful Deluxe Devein Deviled Diced Dietary Diluted Dipping Disagreeable Disgusting Distasteful Distinctive Divine Doughy Dredged Drenched Dressed Dripping Dried out Drizzled Dry Dry-Roasted Dulcified Dull Dusted
E Earthy Eatable Edible Eggy Elastic Elegant Encrusted Enjoyable Enticing Entrée Escalloped Etouffee Evaporated Excellent Exquisite Extraordinary
F Fantastic Fatty Fermented Fiery Fine Finger Licking Fibrous Filling Fishy Fizzy Flakey Flambé Flaming Flat Flavorful Flavorless Flavorsome Fleshy Florentine Floury Fluffy Foie gras Folded Foul Fra diablo Fragrant Feathery Fresh From scratch Freeze dried Fricasseed Fried Frosted Frosty Frozen Fruity Fudgy Full Full-bodied Full-flavored
G Gamy Garden Garden-fresh Garlicky Gastric Gelatinous Generous Gingery Glazed Gloppy Glossy Gluteny Golden Good Gooey Gorgeous Gourmet Grainy Granulated Grated Gratifying Greasy Griddled Grilled Gritty Gross Guiltless
H Hardboiled Harsh Heady Heat Heavy Healthy Heaping Hearty Heart-healthy Heavenly Herbaceous Hint Homemade Homestyle Homogenized Honeyed Hors d’oeuvre Hot Hot Sauce
I Ice-cold Iced Icy Indulgent Infused Intense Intriguing Inviting
J Juicy Julienne Jumbo
K Kick Kosher
L Laced Laden Laiche Lavish Layered Lean Leathery Lemony Light Limp Lip-smacking Liquid Loaded Low-Fat Lumpy Luscious Lush Lusty Lyonnaise
M Malodorous Marinate Marvelous Mashed Mealy Meaty Medium Mellow Melt-in-your-mouth Melting Messy Microwave Mild Milky Minced Minty Mixed Moist Moldy Mouth-watering Muddy Mushy
N Nasty Natural Nauseating Nectarous Nosey Nostalgic Nourishing Noxious Nuked Nutriment Nutritious Nutty
O Odoriferous Odorless Oily Oniony Oozing Organic Overpowering Overripe
P Palatable Palate-pleasing Pan-fried Paprika Parboiled Parched Pasteurized Pasty Pâté Peck Penetrating Peppered Peppery Perfumed Perishable Piccata Pickled Piping Piquant Plain Pleasant Pleasing Plump Poached Popular Powdered Powdery Potent Pouched Preserved Puffy Pulp Pulverized Pungent Puréed
R Ragout Rancid Rank Rare Raw Redolent Reduced Reeking Refreshing Relish Retro Rich Rib Sticking Ripe Roasted Robust Rotten Roux Ruined Rubbery Runny
S Saccharine Saline Salted Salty Satisfying Satiny Saturated Sapid Saporous Sautéed Savory Scalded Scented Scorched Scrambled Scrumptious Seared Seasonal Seasoned Sharp Shredded Signature Silky Simple Sizzling Simmering Skillfully Skimmed Skunky Slathered Sliced Slimey Slivered Smelly Smoked Smokey Smooth Smothered Snappy Snappy Soaked Sodden Soft Soft-boiled Soggy Soothing Sordid Soufflé Soupy Sour Sparkling Special Spiraled Spiced Spicy Spirited Spoiled Spongy Spread Sprinkled Stale Starchy Steamy Stewed Sticky Stiff Stinging Stringy Stinky Strong Stuffed Subdued Subtle Succulent Sunnyside up Sugar-coated Sugar free Sugared Sugary Superb Sweet Sweet and Sour Sweetened Syrupy
T Tainted Tangy Tantalizing Tart Tasteful Tasteless Tasty Tempting Tender Tepid Terrific Texture Thick Thin Titillating Toasted Toothsome Tossed Tough Traditional Treacly Treat Tumaceous
U Unflavored Unripe Unsavory Unseasoned Unsweetened
V Vanilla Velvety Vibrant Vicious Vinegary Vintage
W Warm Warming Watery Waxy Weak Well-done Wet Whey Whipped Wholesome Wild Wilted Wonderful
Y Yeasty Yucky Yummy
Z Zest Zestful Zesty Zingy
©Dan Gabriel Atanasie/
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Adiemus/