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What Are the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection?

What Are the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection?

What are yeast infection symptoms? We know a little yeast is normal, but a lot can become quite a problem.

The existence and growth of yeast in a woman’s more sensitive areas is quite common. At least 20% of women have yeast naturally occurring in their systems. There is only a problem when the fungal growth gets out of control and becomes an infection. This is a very common occurrence, with approximately 75% of women experiencing a yeast infection at some point in their lives.

Key Points

  • A yeast infection is usually caused by a disruption in the natural balance of a woman's reproductive system.
  • Rarely, a yeast infection can be a symptom of some STDs.
  • Yeast infections are easily treatable. To lower your risk of getting one, use the right soap and wear breathable undergarments.

A yeast infection is not an STD, but some of the symptoms like the burning, itching, pain during intercourse, burning urination, and vaginal discharge are similar to symptoms of several STDs. The discharge associated with yeast infection is usually odorless, and an opaque yellowish color about the consistency of cottage cheese.

Causes of Yeast Infection

There are several factors that can cause a yeast infection. Most of them occur when the natural balance in the woman’s system is disrupted. Antibiotics, for example, can cause a yeast infection when they wipe out the good bacteria in the vagina that usually manages things down there. Immunosuppressant medication can have similar effects.

Other factors that can elevate the likelihood of yeast infections include: pregnancy, diabetes, irregular immune systems, use douche or feminine sprays, and vaginal injury.

Find Relief from A Yeast Infection

The itching and burning can be quite uncomfortable, but relief is fairly easy to come by. There are many over the counter options, and for women who experience frequent yeast infections these anti-fungal creams are second nature. It is always important however to consult with your doctor. It is true that yeast infections alone are not a big deal, but some times they are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Yeast infections can be a symptom indicating a bigger problem. It can indicate an STD like chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, or gonorrhea.

Treatments for yeast infections include topical creams and oral medication. If it is discovered that the yeast infection was result of other medical concerns then further treatment for those conditions may be necessary.

How to Prevent Yeast Infections

Some women find certain life style changes like eating more yogurt or wearing clothing that allows that area to breathe a little help to prevent reoccurrence of yeast infections. If you have yeast infection symptoms, prompt treatment is important in keeping things from getting worse.

When washing, remember that you only need to wash your vulva. The vagina is actually self-cleaning and doesn't need to be washed. Getting soap in there can cause a yeast infection, especially if it isn't washed out. Some soaps that are labeled as “feminine soaps” or similar can actually raise your risk of a yeast infection by throwing off your vagina's natural pH balance. Try to stick to regular soap, preferably without artificial dyes.

If you sweat a lot, wearing breathable undergarments can help. If making this change doesn't seem to help the problem, consider speaking to your doctor about other options. Excessive sweating can be indicative of other problems. Ultimately, a yeast infection is fairly common and very easy to treat. There's almost never a reason to be alarmed about one.

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