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Baby Names That Mean Hunter

Baby Names That Mean Hunter

From Kane to Ceto to Sidon and beyond, these baby names that mean hunter are each unique and impactful. Explore the list and find the perfect name for your child.

RELATED: Boy Names That Mean Hunter AND Girl Names That Mean Hunter

  • Sidon- name that means “Fish hunter,” Sidon serves as a modern name for boys or girls.
  • Skadi- name is known as the goddess of bowhunting and skiing. She married a man named Njoror as compensation for the murder of her dad. The name offers a unique flavor to your family heritage.
  • Khonvoum- name that can be hard to pronounce, Khonvoum is the name of the God of the hunt in Banbuti Pygmy. The name is bold and powerful.
  • Hearne- name that means mythical hunter, Heanre is growing in popularity among hunters and outdoorsmen, especially in Texas. It serves as a nice name for boys or girls.
  • Branwen Of Celtic origin, this name means ‘blessed raven.” It's a unique name and that of a Celtic legend in Greek mythology.
  • Sanju Derived from the Tonga language, the name Siaju means simply, “hunter.” He or she named Siaju always seems to be on the prowl.
  • Rikku- will know that you are a fan of Final Fantasy if you give your son or daughter this unique name.
  • Chevy- name meaning “to hunt, chase or pursue prey” in the British language.
  • Sabre A “heavy-caliber sword,” Sabre indicates a strong, powerful person. It's a gender-neutral name.
  • Ceto- Sea goddess of danger, Ceto evoked danger as a hunter no matter where she traveled. The name can be used for a girl or a boy.
  • Auryon A newly emerged name for a hunter or huntress, Auryon has a cool spelling and sound. It is still a rare name, so your baby can be among the first to receive the name.
  • Renji- “a samurai of pure heart,” a boy or girl named Renji will certainly have a carefree heart with striking fierceness about them.
  • Rogue- a boy or girl name with a darker meaning, Rogue suits the need. The name means “a large animal having destructive tendencies.”
  • Kane- name means “Spear hunter.” It has an Israeli background and can be used to name a girl or a boy.
  • Sigrid- name that suits boy or girl, Sigrid is an old Norse language name that means “victory.” Every hunter sets out on a mission to become victorious in his or her hunt.
  • Nodens The name means “hunter.” It can be used as a girl or boy name and works well as a middle name.
  • Britomartis Britomartis was a Greek goddess of hunting and the mountains. It works as either a name for a boy or a girl for parents looking for something unusual and quite bold.
  • Tapio A name meaning hunter or huntress, Tapio suits as either a name for a boy or a girl. It's the name of an East Finnish fishing god and maintains popularity in many countries.
  • Abnoba- was a Celtic goddess of the hunt. This name means “divine waters.”
  • Opochtli- cool name of a fishing and hunting god in Aztec mythology, it's easy to shorten it for easier pronunciation and spelling.
  • Shadow name Shadow works for a boy or girl name. Hunters look past the shadows to catch their prey, giving this name its strong significance to the hunting world.
  • Britomartis The name first appeared in Minoan mythology and passed into Greek mythology as a goddess of the mountains and hunting. She was a mountain nymph and considered to be a patroness of Aegina.
  • Actaeon – The name of Greek origin means hunter.
  • Arete- this name means “excellence,” it's also the name of a popular Greek goddess who reflected positive characteristics.
  • Canowicakte Meaning “forest hunter,” the name Canowicakte often is shortened to Canoe for easier pronunciation. Your son or daughter will fancy this abbreviated name.

How to Introduce Your Child to Hunting

If you're looking to give your child a name that means “hunter”, chances are good that you're interested in introducing them to hunting! Of course, a very young child isn't suited for hunting. It isn't safe to have a very young child around a weapon, as they aren't yet old enough to use it properly.

Whether you'll be bow hunting or gun hunting, it's important to teach safety first. Once your child is old enough, have them take a hunter's safety course that's appropriate for their age level. Make sure they understand that a weapon of any kind is always to be respected, and is never to be used to harm people. In addition, an animal should never be carelessly harmed.

Start with small hunting trips when you're first introducing your child to hunting. Be patient with them and help them learn the tricks that have probably been passed down in your family for generations. Instill in your child a sense of respect for nature. Teach them to never take more than they can use; it's important to maintain balance in an ecosystem. In addition, teach them about endangered animals and ensure they know that these animals are not to be shot.

Teaching your child to be a responsible hunter will give them lasting memories that will stick with them for a lifetime. Plus, your child will feel more fulfilled if they're the ones helping to bring dinner home!

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