

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




We don't know too much about the background of the baby name Yashica. We do know that it has Indian and Hindi origins and a pretty cool meaning and symbolism for a new baby. We also know it sounds great with some of the most feminine English middle names, like Margaret, Victoria, Catherine, and Caroline. While it's not that common in the United States, we could see it catching on in the 21st century.

Meaning of the name Yashica:

Indian: Success, successful girl

Origin of the name Yashica:

The exact origin of the baby name Yashica is unknown. We do know that it is a more popular Indian name for girls and the meaning is most likely “success” or “successful girl.” It's also most commonly used by speakers of Hindi.

Symbolism of the name Yashica:

Yashica most likely means “success” or “successful girl,” so new parents may see it as a symbol of their success at having a baby, especially if they had difficulty doing so. It could also be chosen for a baby girl because her parents hope she grows up to become a “successful girl.”

Style of the name Yashica:


Gender of the name Yashica:

Yashica is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Yashica:


Number of syllables in the name Yashica:


Emotion evoked from the name Yashica:

The baby name Yashica evokes images of someone who is brave and daring.

Alternative spellings for the name Yashica:

  • Yashika
  • Yasheeka
  • Yasheeca

Nicknames for the name Yashica:

  • Yash 
  • Yaya
  • Chica
  • Shica

Popularity of the name Yashica:

According to the Social Security Administration, Yashica has never been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States.

Related names for the name Yashica:

  • Yashvi
  • Advika
  • Navya
  • Aarika
  • Yashita

Great middle names for Yashica and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Yashica:


Yashicas in popular culture:


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