

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Jovanny is a baby boy’s name of Slavic and Spanish origin. Jovanny is the Spanish version of the Italian name Giovanni and means “God is gracious”. In Slavic languages Jovanny means “Jove-like, majestic” and refers to the Roman king of the gods called Jove or Jupiter. Jovanny had a decade of popularity between 2001 and 2009.

Meaning of the name Jovanny:

Slavic: Jove-like, majestic
Spanish: God is gracious

Origin of the name Jovanny:

Jovanny is a baby boy’s name of Slavic and Spanish origin. From Slavic Jovanny means “Jove-like, majestic” and comes from one of the names of the Roman god Jove who is also known as Jupiter. From Spanish Jovanny means “God is gracious” and is a variant spelling of the name Jovanni or Giovanni.

Symbolism of the name Jovanny:

Jove was the king of the gods to the ancient Romans and he was symbolized by lightning bolts and eagles and was the god of the heavens, the sky, and thunder.

Style of the name Jovanny:


Gender of the name Jovanny:

Jovanny is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Jovanny:


Number of syllables in the name Jovanny:


Emotion evoked from the name Jovanny:

Jovanny evokes feelings of ambition and creativity.

Alternative spellings for the name Jovanny:

Jovanni, Jovani, Jovany

Nicknames for the name Jovanny:

Popularity of the name Jovanny:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jovanny is a popular baby boy’s name. Jovanny was first on the top 1000 baby names list in 1997. It returned to the top 1000 from 2001 to 2009.

Related names for the name Jovanny:

Great middle names for the name Jovanny and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jovanny:

  • Jovanny Bolívar Alvarado (Venezuelan footballer)
  • Jovanny Jadacki (American video game developer)
  • Jovanny Martinez (American entrepreneur)
  • Javonny Vega (American reality TV star)
  • Jovanny Cadena (American musician)

Jovanny in popular culture:

Jovanny is not a common name in popular culture.

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