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Jerica is a baby name that is an American creation, most like formed by combining Jeri and Erica. It saw some major traction in the 1980s and early 1990s, probably due to a popular kids' TV show (though the spelling is slightly different). Jerica is also the name of a town in Spain, is associated with an Arabic word, and can be considered a literary name. All of this gives new parents plenty of inspiration to pull from should they decide to make this 1980s name fresh again.

Meaning of the name Jerica:

American: Ruler
Arabic: Eastern slope of the mountain

Origin of the name Jerica:

Jerica is most likely an American creation that was formed by combing more common names, Jeri and Erica. Both names' meanings relate to rulers. Jérica also happens to be the name of a town in Spain that is derived from the Arabic word “šāriqa,” which means “eastern slope of a mountain.”

Symbolism of the name Jerica:

Jerica's meaning, which is “ruler,” may inspire some new parents to choose the name for their daughters in hopes that she grows up to become a leader. Jerrica with two “Rs” was the real name of the popular 1980s TV character Jem, so this may inspire new parents who grew up watching the show.

Style of the name Jerica:


Gender of the name Jerica:

Jerica is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Jerica:


Number of syllables in the name Jerica:


Emotion evoked from the name Jerica:

The baby name Jerica evokes images of someone who works hard and has an entrepreneurial spirit.

Alternative spellings for the name Jerica:

Nicknames for the name Jerica:

Popularity of the name Jerica:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jerica was a top 1,000 baby name for girls between 1987 and 1993. It was most popular in 1988 when it ranked at number 592. It last ranked at number 939 in 1939.

Related names for the name Jerica:

Great middle names for Jerica and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jerica:

  • Jerica Richardson (politician)

Jerica in popular culture:


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