

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Jazzmine is a unique alternative to the more popular baby name, Jasmine. It offers more spunk, though it is not as popular. As of 2021, Jazzmine is only a top 15,000 option in America.

Meaning of the name Jazzmine:

Persian: gift from Go, flower name

Origin of the name Jazzmine:

Jazzmine is a spelling variation of the more popular Jasmine. Jasmine originated from the name of the plant, which comes from the Persian word “yasamin.” Jasmine grew in popularity in America in the late twentieth century creating several spelling variations, including Jazzmine.

Symbolism of the name Jazzmine:

The baby name Jazzmine has the same meaning as Jasmine. You could define it as “flower name” since Jasmine was a type of plant first. Others claim that Jasmine and Jazzmine interpret to “gift from God” because of the Persian word “yasamin.”

Style of the name Jazzmine:

Modern for this spelling variation

Gender of the name Jazzmine:

Jazzmine is a refined name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Jazzmine:


Number of syllables in the name Jazzmine:


Emotion evoked from the name Jazzmine:

Jazzmine feels refined and spunky. It is an outgoing and fun-spirited baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Jazzmine:

Nicknames for the name Jazzmine:

  • Jazz
  • Jazzie
  • Jazzy
  • Jas
  • Mina
  • Mine

Popularity of the name Jazzmine:

Jazzmine has no history on the top 1,000 list of the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, it is relatively rare. It is only on the top 15,000 list at rank 14,681.

Related names for the name Jazzmine:

Great middle names for Jazzmine and their meanings:

  • Marie (star of the sea)
  • Rosalina (tender, soft, gentle horse)
  • Alexandra (defender of men)
  • Bianca (white, pure)
  • Skye (sky, cloud)
  • Nicole (people of victory, victory of the people)
  • Audriana (nobility, strength)
  • Noelle (the Lord's birthday, Christmas day)

Famous people with the name Jazzmine:

  • Jazzmine Raycoyle (actress, “The Quad”)

Jazzmines in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Jazzmine.

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