

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Names F


Eliyanah is a baby girl’s name of English and Hebrew origin. From English, Eliyanah is a variant spelling of Eliana and means “sun”. From Hebrew, Eliyanah means “my God has answered”. Eliyanah is a unique spelling that has never been in the top 1000 names, but Eliana has been in the top 100 since 2016.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Eliyanah:

Eliyanah is a modern English baby girl name that means “sun”. Eliyanah is a modern variant spelling of the name Eliana. The origin can be traced back to the Roman family name Aelius. Eliyanah is also a Hebrew name that means “my God has answered”.

Symbolism of the Name Eliyanah:

Eliyanah means “sun”. The sun is a symbol of illumination, knowledge, wisdom, strength, passion, and energy.

Nicknames for the Name Eliyanah:

Eliyanah is a truly unique name to give to a girl. If this name has piqued your interest, be sure to check out our full list of the best Eliyanah nicknames:

Style of the Name Eliyanah:

Modern / traditional

Gender of the Name Eliyanah:

Eliyanah is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the Name Eliyanah:


Number of Syllables in the Name Eliyanah:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Eliyanah:

Eliyanah evokes feelings of kindness and integrity.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Eliyanah:

Elliana, Eliana, Elyana, Ellyana

Popularity of the Name Eliyanah:

According to the Social Security Administration, Eliyanah is an uncommon baby girl’s name. Eliyanah has never appeared on the top 1,000 baby names list. The more popular spelling, Eliana, has been in the top 1,000 since 1986 and is #41 as of 2022.

Great Middle Names for the Name Eliyanah and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Eliyanah:

  • Eliyanah (British musical artist)
  • Eliana Girard (American dancer)
  • Eliana Ramos (Uruguayan model)
  • Eliana Bezerra (Brazilian TV hostess)
  • Eliana Tenorio Patino (Mexican bullfighter)
  • Eliana (video games, “Rivals of Aether”)
  • Eliana Ferracora (literature, “The Empirium” trilogy)
  • Eliana Vera (video games, “Choices: Stories You Play”)
  • Eliana Salvius (video games, “Elder Scrolls Online”)
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