15 Alarming Facts About Screen Time for Kids
These days, just about everything is on a screen. Your children likely spend a lot of time using screens, whether it's at school or home. As a parent, you must keep an eye on the trends in your house. There are several alarming facts about screen time for kids, and you need to be informed.
We have compiled a list of facts that you should read. You'll be shocked to find out how much time kids spend in front of screens and the negative factors that can come into play. Check out this list and make the appropriate changes around your home.
Your Young Child Should Stay Away From Screens
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you must be careful when it comes to screen time for kids, especially babies and toddlers. The doctors recommend that children between ages 0-1.5 years never have screen time and that kids age 1.5 to 2 years have less than an hour of screen time. Any more than that, and you could cause damage to their young eyes.
Average Screen Time for Teens
Statistics show that most teens experience about 7.5 hours of screen time every day. Be watchful if your teen is in front of screens for too long. As time goes on, more schools are allowing kids to use laptops in school, so keep that in mind. When they get back from school, instead of letting them sit in front of the TV to play video games, try to get them to go outside or try a different hobby.
Be A Good Role Model
According to research, the average American spends just over seven hours looking at a screen over the course of the day. Granted, that may include time looking at a computer while at work. With that said, be careful about what you do at home. If you get home from work and sit in front of the TV, your kids will likely do the same. If you want them to spend less time in front of the TV, do something different with them, and they'll form good habits.
Is Your Infant Using Your Smartphone?
One of the most startling facts about screen time for kids is that almost 49% of very small children from ages 0-2 spend some time interacting with smart phones. That could include when you're holding your phone while holding them. Or it could be time in front of the TV. Just be careful. Young eyes could get hurt due to too much screen time.
The Average Teen Plays A Lot of Games
Another startling statistic about screen time is that the average teen spends 112.8 daily minutes playing video games. While some video games can be educational and have other benefits, they're not all helpful. Be mindful about how much time your teen is on a screen playing a game, and suggest other activities if it gets out of hand.
The Average Teen is Often on Social Media
While gaming is a problem, a bigger issue is social media. According to Statista, the average teen spends 4.8 hours on social media. Keep in mind that platforms like YouTube are also considered social media, but still, that's a lot. It's important that you watch your teens. Are they in their room for hours at a time? They could be on social media. While there are some educational benefits to social media, most of its is not beneficial, so be cautious.
Shocking Benefit: Improves Socialization
Believe it or not, there are some benefits to screen time. For instance, just because a child is staring at a screen, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily sitting by themselves. There are many ways that your kids can go online and meet with other kids. They can play video games with others, become pen pals with other kids on social media (with parental supervision), and even video chat with family members. Just remember that caution is necessary when talking to strangers.
Shocking Benefit: Encourages Creativity
You may be shocked to learn that screen time can help with creativity as well. It makes sense the more you think about it. Older kids can use their creativity to create websites using apps like Canva. If your kids like playing video games, they likely get immersed in creating worlds in games like Minecraft and Railway Empire. You never know. The skills they learn now could turn into a career later in life.
Shocking Benefit: Enhances Critical Thinking
Screen time also has the ability to enhance critical thinking. According to experts at Common Sense Media, there's a lot of educational content online. Kids could play puzzle games or online board games that challenge their minds. However, screen time should come in doses. It's possible to have too much screen time, even if it's educational.
Shocking Benefit: Develops Motor Skills
Another shocking benefit of screen time for kids is the chance to develop their motor skills. For starters, your kids could watch exercise videos on YouTube that could help them stay active and healthy. Many video game companies also have some equipment that requires the kids to move to play them, like the Wii and virtual reality systems. You'd be amazed at how much your kids get around while playing games.
Shocking Benefit: Gets Kids Ready for School
Everything is online these days, so it only makes sense that many educational resources would also require a screen. In addition to being fun, many of these activities could also prepare your kids for school. For instance, the kids can check out e-books about various subjects that they may learn later during the school year. There are also learning apps like ABC Mouse and Khan Academy Kids, which can do wonders for your kids.
Alarming Risk of Screen Time: Sleep Issues
There are many starting negative side effects when screen time for kids gets out of hand. One of them is that they may not sleep well at night. Most screens emit blue light, and it negatively affects the brain. Kids and adults who spend too much time in front of a screen may find that they wake up often overnight. You should also avoid looking at social media while in bed.
Alarming Risk of Screen Time: Tech Neck
It's natural for kids and adults to bend over or sit with a poor posture when gaming. As a result, your kids may start to experience "tech neck," which is when someone sits with their neck and shoulders bent. Over time, your child may start to experience pain and potentially even long-term damage.
Alarming Risk of Screen Time: Cognitive Decline
While there are some opportunities for cognitive improvement due to smart screen use, in many cases, spending too much time on a screen is more commonly associated with cognitive decline, especially when it comes to smartphone usage. In a recent study, many participants reported on their cell phone usage, and they were tested. The results weren't great. You can allow your child to have friends online, but be cautious about those friends and how much time your kids spend with them.
Alarming Risk of Screen Time: Behavior Issues
Be watchful if your children spend a lot of time playing video games. They likely love them because winning levels and beating bad guys cause the brain to release dopamine. It feels good, and they like it. However, once they're playing, the dopamine release stops, and as a result, your children can become more irritable and even depressed.