I Always Thought Video Games Were Bad for Kids' Brains, But These 15 Reasons Made Me Change My Mind
As far back as I can remember, it was thought that video games were bad for kid's brains and for their overall health. For many years, I agreed with that assessment. After all, it seemed like video games turned kids into couch potatoes, and many of the games were overly violent. However, while there are some inappropriate games out there, what I discovered was, overall, that playing video games can actually be good for people, both young and old.
This list will showcase many of the reasons why video games can benefit our minds and bodies. For instance, did you know that many games require physical movement to play them? That means your kids get a workout while having a good time. Many video games also encourage kids to learn essential skills like math and problem-solving. It's true! Check out this list. Chances are that you'll change your mind, too!
Listen to the Experts
If you used to think that video games were bad, then you need to listen to the experts. According to the Cleveland Clinic, video games increase brain matter. The experts say the games work like a stimulant that increases the gray matter that encourages interconnectivity in your brain. The grey matter also controls your movement and regulates your emotions.
Feelings of Accomplishment
The same experts at the Cleveland Clinic also say that playing video games can help players feel a sense of accomplishment. All games include tasks of some form, and when a player reaches the next level or gets a trophy, it feels great. The player can translate that feeling into the real world and use it to succeed in their job.
Improve Dexterity
Holding a video game controller can be great for a player's hands and improve dexterity. This is according to a study from the American Psychological Association. They say that people who play video games make fewer mistakes when they'reworking with their hands. Some doctors even recommend that stroke victims play video games to get back control of their hands.
Improve Social Skills
When many people imagine someone playing video games, they imagine them all alone, sitting in the dark. However, the truth is that people who play video games are often better in social situations, typically due to the fact that they play games with other people, even if they're not with them in the room. They may even be more comfortable than someone who doesn't play games.
Become a Problem Solver
Just about any video game will help the player with problem-solving abilities. Platforming games require the gamer to jump from place to place to reach an end goal. Role-playing games ask the player to form a group to defeat a common enemy. Granted, players won't face these same issues in real life, but they'll know the steps necessary to tackle a problem.
Become More Physically Active
Many people also have the misconception that gamers sit on a couch all day and eat fatty foods. The fact is that new technology like virtual headsets and gaming systems like the Wii require players to move around while playing the game. That means a gamer may be getting more exercise than non-gamers, and that's a good thing.
Improved Vision
People who thought that video games were bad never realized the benefit that gaming can have on a player's eyes. Many games, including first-person shooters, require players to see what's near and far at all times in order to win. According to a study on Live Science, game players can often see objects in cluttered spaces more easily than non-gamers. Just be careful about staring at the TV screen for too long.
Stress Relief
Gaming can also be an incredible stress reliever. If you enjoy playing video games, then you're likely to feel better whileplaying them. Just about any game can help the player escape reality, if even for an hour or so. That's why many mental health professionals even recommend games as a form of therapy.
Games Teach Persistence
The great thing about most video games is that they have an ending, and the goal is to get to that ending. It won't always be easy, and that's the point. Playing most games requires persistence and that same persistence is necessary in the real world. Many people give up to easily in life, so gaming could be a solution.
Improves Your Memory
There are many games that require memory to succeed. You can play just about any role-playing game, and you'll be forced to remember which items hurt which enemies. There are also strategy games that require certain moves to succeed. In the real world, it's necessary to remember facts and information for work, so gaming could help a person succeed.
Games Can Help With Reading Skills
Video games can be great for younger kids who are learning to read. Many open-world games and RPG titles require the player to read in order to make decisions and progress throughout the game, and kids can learn a lot. Granted, video games shouldn't be the only way that kids learn to read, but they can be a great supplement to books.
Video Games Could Become a Career
The people who always believed that video games were bad have never turned their love of gaming into a career. The video game industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and there are jobs for graphic artists, writers, voice actors, and more. A child who loves games now could find a very fruitful career in the future.
Games Learn How To Set-Shift
To set-shift means how quickly a person can switch from doing one job to another. So, how quickly can a person properly move from cooking a meal to washing the car. Video games can help people move from task to task more easily and with little confusion. Games can also help with multitasking abilities.
Games Help With Creativity
Video games can also be a great way to spark creativity. Many games are filled with expansive worlds that seem to go on forever, and they can do wonders for a person's imagination. Gamers could use the inspiration they get from playing their games to be more creative in the real world.
Games Can Be Educational
I always thought video games were bad until I realized how many educational games there are in the world. There are games that teach players how to read, perform math equations, learn the alphabet, and many other important lessons. Sit your child in front of an educational game for 10-15 minutes, and it could do them a lot of good.