

Family Health


14 Things to Stop Doing Once You Hit 30

Choice in profession or other areas of life, concept. Making decision, thoughtful young woman surrounded by drawn arrows on pink background

14 Things to Stop Doing Once You Hit 30

You’ve just turned 30 what an important milestone in your life; it allows you to reevaluate, reflect, and make changes in your life that are important to you. It would be best if you let go of certain habits and look forward to embracing new ones by making positive life changes that will benefit you in the future. Here are 14 things to stop doing once you hit 30.

1. Taking Laundry to Your Parents

Even though it can cost anywhere between $1.50 and $5.00 per wash cycle at the laundromat, you shouldn’t be taking your laundry to your parents’ house.

2. Allowing Your Parents To Pay Your Rent

The concept of paying rent for housing, house or apartment. Accumulating money and saving. Miniature family standing near a board with the word pay rent. Things to stop doing once your hit 30

If you are going through a tough time and still stay with your parents, then the decent thing to do is contribute. If you’re living on your own, then you should be able to cover your own expenses. Just because they gave birth to you doesn’t mean you can free-load. They have also had to save money and pensions to keep themselves going.

3. Procrastination

Procrastination was something you could get away with in your early 20s. However, once in your 30s, it’s time to prioritize your life and get things done in a timely fashion. The best way to do this is to set a deadline and stick to it. I know many people like to use their phones; however, I find writing it down in my diary works better.

4. Not Saving Your Money

Businessman saving money with piggy bank and coins on desk, financial planning and investment concept. Things to stop doing once you hit 30

When in your 20s, it’s easy to spend your whole paycheck on unnecessary things like takeout and partying. However, when you hit 30, it would be better to consult with a financial advisor and begin to put a plan of action together and set financial goals.

5. Bingeing TV

We all love relaxing and watching a good TV series; however, too much screen time can make you procrastinate and forget about the responsibilities you need to get done. Take the time to limit your TV intake and do something active that you enjoy, like going for a walk or playing tennis or golf.

6. Avoiding Sleep

During your 20s, it was easier to stay up late, parting with your friends all night or watching movies. In your 30s, the lack of sleep will soon catch up with raising children and working hard. Set up a decent sleep routine; your body will thank you later.

7. Neglecting Your Health

Things to stop doing once you hit 30

In your younger days, going to the doctor for a check-up and getting a smile saying you’re in good health was a good sign. However, neglecting that in your 30s could cause more problems later, which could have been avoided. Make sure to go for checkups and exercise regularly.

8. Toxic Relationships

As you get older, it is important to remove yourself from toxic relationships. Surround yourself with supportive friends who can help and inspire you to become the best you possible.

9. Quit Smoking

If you ever started smoking at a young age, you would probably know how hard it is to quit. This habit is not only bad for your health but also makes you smell bad. Just think of all the money you will save. Quit now!

10. Over or Undereating

It’s important to make healthy food choices and be mindful of your calorie intake in your 30s. We’ve put together a list of healthy portable snacks, healthy breakfast ideas for busy mornings, as well as healthy dinner recipes for you to enjoy. No excuses!

11. Resisting Personal Growth

Hands, clay and pottery wheel with skills for craft, tools or sustainable production at small business. Person, artist and entrepreneur for eco friendly material, sculpture or manufacturing in studio. Things to stop dong once you hit 30

In your 30s, it is important to endow yourself with skills that encourage your professional and personal growth. Consider attending workshops or starting a new hobby that can improve your knowledge.

12. Spending All of Your Time on Social Media

If it’s your job to be a social media influencer, then by all means spend your time on Facebook, X, or Tick Tock. However, if not, then there is no need to spend hours of your life scoping out Harry or Sally’s profile when you haven’t spoken to either of them in 10 years.

13. Binge Drinking

During your 20s, it’s fun to go out drinking with your mates; however, excessive binge drinking can cause serious consequences. It increases the risk of several types of cancer, which include esophageal, colorectal, liver, head, and neck, as well as breast cancer. According to the NIAAA, men should consume 2 drinks or less and women 1 drink or less per day. Should you have an alcohol problem, you can find help here.

14. Not Changing Your Bed Sheets

This might seem strange; however, many people do not change or wash their bed sheets weekly. I love having clean bed sheets; it makes me feel refreshed when I wake up and I get a decent night’s sleep. Did you know that your skin cells, dirt, and bodily fluids such as saliva and mucus actually keep dust mites and germs alive? Furthermore, having dirty sheets is a breeding ground for lice, fleas, and bed bugs. YUK! Make a point of washing your bed sheets weekly.

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