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Zariyah is a great example of how having name that comes later in the alphabet can set a child apart. The unique spelling of the name coupled with its easy-to-pronounce sound really does make it a standout. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Zariyah:

Arabic: scattering wind
Russian: Sunrise, dawn

Origin of the name Zariyah:

Zariyah is a name of several possible origins. It may be a name derived from an Arabic name meaning “scattering wind” or from a Russian name meaning “sunrise” or “dawn”.

Symbolism of the name Zariyah:

Zariyah tends to symbolize growth and prosperity, as seen either by the dawn of a new day or by the winds that scatter seeds so that they can grow.

Style of the name Zariyah:


Gender of the name Zariyah:

Zariyah is almost exclusively used as a name for female children.

Pronunciation of the name Zariyah:


Number of syllables in the name Zariyah:


Emotion evoked from the name Zariyah:

Zariyah tends to evoke pleasant emotions in those who hear the name.

Alternative spellings for the name Zariyah:

Popularity of the name Zariyah:

According to the Social Security Administration, Zariyah last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 2021 as the 696th most popular baby name, which is also the most popular the name has ever been in the US.

Related names for the name Zariyah:

  • Zora
  • Saraya
  • Sooraya

Great middle names for Zariyah and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Zariyah:

Zariyahs in popular culture:

  • Zariyah (character from the novel Starless)
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