Quinnlyn is a rare baby name in America. It comes from the anglicized baby name Quinn, which ultimately, comes from an Irish surname. As of now, Quinnlyn is not a top 1,000 baby name on the Social Security Popularity Index.
Meaning of the name Quinnlyn:
English: descendent of Conn
Origin of the name Quinnlyn:
Quinnlyn likely originates from the baby name Quinn, popular in England. Most believe that it is a combination name of sorts as it combines the name Quinn with the “-lyn” suffix. The shorter option was an anglicized surname that came from the Gaelic O'Cuinn. Some do believe that Quinnlyn could be an alternative spelling to Quinlan, another baby name that comes from an Irish surname.
Symbolism of the name Quinnlyn:
Quinnlyn likely means “descendent of Conn” as it has the same meaning as Quinn. Ultimately, it has the same meaning as the original Gaelic last name O'Cuinn.
![Baby name quinnlyn](https://www.momswhothink.com/wp-content/uploads/Quinnlyn.jpg)
Style of the name Quinnlyn:
Gender of the name Quinnlyn:
Quinnlyn is a baby name primarily used for girls, just like the original form Quinn.
Pronunciation of the name Quinnlyn:
Number of syllables in the name Quinnlyn:
Emotion evoked from the name Quinnlyn:
Quinnlyn is unique and full of personality. It is an informal baby name that is approachable.
Alternative spellings for the name Quinnlyn:
- Quinnlynn
- Quinlyn
- Quinlynn
- Quinlin
- Quinllin
- Quinnlin
- Quinnllin
Nicknames for the name Quinnlyn:
Popularity of the name Quinnlyn:
Quinnlyn has never been a top 1,000 name on the Social Security Popularity Index. The baby name Quinn has been a top 1,000 name since 1979 in America, however. As of 2020, it is even a top 100 name at rank 85.
Related names for the name Quinnlyn:
Great middle names for Quinnlyn and their meanings:
- Annalise (graced with God's bounty)
- Tola (worm, grub, scarlet)
- Dina (from the valley, judged)
- Jennifer (blessed spirit, white enchantress)
- Genevieve (woman of the race)
- Irene (peace)
- Storm (tempest)
- Calista (fairest, most beautiful)
Famous people with the name Quinnlyn:
There are no celebrities with the baby name Quinnlyn.
Quinnlyns in popular culture:
No fictional characters have the baby name Quinnlyn.