

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Karter is a derivative of Carter which means Cart User or One Who Transports Goods. It can also be used as a girl’s name meaning Something Who Prepares Wood for Spinning.

Meaning of the name Karter

Transporter of goods by cart

Origin of the name Karter


Symbolism of the name Karter

Karter has strong fundamental skills in his life. He has a strong ability to analyze and be objective, then draws his own conclusions. He has a consolidated view of the world and is therefore strong under any circumstance. Karter also has a strong sense of responsibility which makes them a fantastic leader.

Style of the name Karter

New Age

Gender of the name Karter

Karter is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Karter


Number of syllables in the name Karter


Emotion evoked from the name Karter

Karter has strong inner strength, enough that he has to be careful not to be arrogant. He is a loyal and reliable friend and lives under the influence of the sun because it is a symbol of strong will and an unshakable belief in yourself. Karter is an unforgettable personality. He handles himself very well in life and is not easily dissuaded from his goals.

Alternative spellings for the name Karter

Nicknames for the name Karter

  • Karty
  • Kari 
  • Kar kar
  • Karr
  • Tart
  • Arter
  • Kary
  • Kay 

Popularity of the name Karter

Karter came onto the popular name charts in 2005. By 2007, the popularity had doubled and doubled again in 2008. It gained a little popularity gradually every year and took a sizeable jump between 2013 and 2014. The name reached its peak popularity in 2020.

Related names for the name Karter

Great middle names for Karter and their meanings

Famous people with the name Karter

  • Karter Zaher (the co-founder of the music duo “Deen Squad”)

Karters in popular culture

There were no Karters with the name spelled in that way found in popular culture

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