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5 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

5 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Low levels of vitamin D can really mess with your body. Look out for these telltale signs that you may need to be tested.

5 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

1. Fatigue

We all get tired from time to time. Your fatigue could just be a lack of sleep, but it’s also possible that you’re not getting enough vitamin D. The Vitamin D Council outlines that tiredness is a common symptom of a lack of vitamin D


2. Back Pain

There are few things more debilitating or uncomfortable than back pain. If you’ve ever experienced back pain, then you know that you’d do nearly anything to get relief. Luckily, it might be as easy as taking a step outside or taking some vitamin D supplements.

The Vitamin D Council reports that a study published in the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry found a significant link between low vitamin D levels and chronic back pain.


3. Depression

You don’t need to be a doctor to know that being out in the sunlight makes you feel happy. However, a study at Duke University did find that people who have lower vitamin D levels were at a greater risk for depression.


4. Hair Loss

Even people with superior scalp health are bound to lose hair on a daily basis. However, most of us would like to have manes as thick and luscious as possible. Medical News Today cites a study in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine that found that vitamin D can actually help create new hair follicles. In other words, vitamin D is essential for healthy hair growth, and a lack thereof could be traced back to low vitamin levels.


5. High Blood Pressure

There are almost a million reasons why you may suffer from high blood pressure. However, it is possible that a lack of vitamin D has something to do with it. Although more research is needed, the Mayo Clinic reports that the deficiency may be linked to heart disease and hypertension.



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