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What Your Baby and Body Look Like at 35 Weeks Pregnant

What Your Baby and Body Look Like at 35 Weeks Pregnant

In the 35th week of pregnancy, you could in theory give birth safely. While your baby might be on the lighter side of the weight chart, the chances for serious premature complications are slim. You might notice some G.I. problems as the baby will be pushing on your colon and bladder with ever-increasing pressure. Read on to see what to expect around the 35th week.

Key Points of Pregnancy at Week 35

  • You could go into labor at any point around now until the 40th week so be ready at any point to head to the hospital or call your midwife for a home birth.
  • Your baby will be growing at the fastest rate from now until birth as to get ready to enter the world.
  • A lot of emotions may be flowing around this time so be prepared for anxiety, excitement, and everything in between.

Pregnancy Body Changes at 35 Weeks Pregnant

Around 35 weeks pregnant, you also might be experiencing more discomfort from hemorrhoids caused by the increased pressure of your growing baby on the veins in your rectum. You might also be constipated, which makes hemorrhoids worse because you might strain for a bowel movement.

Try to avoid hemorrhoids by drinking lots of fluids and eating plenty of whole grains, raw or cooked leafy green vegetables, and fruits. Try not to strain for bowel movements, and always talk with your doctor before taking a laxative.

Your overall physical discomfort is increasing as your baby puts more pressure on your body as he or she grows to full size. You may continue to feel fatigued and slightly more anxious about labor as the date grows ever closer.

Your Baby's Growth and Development at Week 35

At 35 weeks pregnant, your baby now measures about 12 inches from crown to rump and likely weighs more than 5 pounds, 5 ounces. This week begins your baby's most rapid period of weight gain about 8 to 12 ounces each week. Babies who are born during this week or after have a 99 percent chance of survival.

If your baby is a boy, his testes have completed their descent. He or she is continuing to gain weight and store fat all over his or her body. The lungs are almost fully developed.

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