



Pregnancy Stages / Development


Pregnancy Weeks


What Your Baby and Body Look Like at 27 Weeks Pregnant

What Your Baby and Body Look Like at 27 Weeks Pregnant

When you've reached 27 weeks pregnant, you're well into your third trimester, and your baby is continuing to grow and develop at a rapid pace. You may notice that your body is undergoing significant changes, and you may experience discomfort as your baby and uterus continue to grow. In this article, we will explore the changes you can expect in your body at 27 weeks pregnant and how to manage thas well as what your baby's growth looks like. Additionally, we will provide tips managing these changes and advice on prenatal care to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnant young woman with pregnancy week number next to her belly. Photos of belly growth at 27 weeks pregnancy. Healthy pregnancy diet and fetal development.
At 27 weeks pregnant, you'll continue to experience various changes in your body and your baby is still growing rapidly.

Key Points of 26 Weeks Pregnancy

  • Your body during this time is experiencing changes as your baby grows and your uterus expands.
  • Kegal exercises can help to strengthen your pelvic muscles and alleviate incontinence.
  • Your baby is over 3 pounds and almost 15 inches long, and their organs and systems will continue to develop.
  • Women with a high-risk pregnancy may need to be monitored to prevent premature labor.

Pregnancy Body Changes at 27 Pregnant

At 27 weeks pregnant, your stomach is getting larger and your body is continuing to change, which means your pelvic muscles are strained. To keep them strengthened, which will assist tremendously in the birth process, practice Kegel exercises. They also strengthen the bladder muscles, which can help alleviate incontinence. To help identify the muscles involved, think about the muscles that you would use to stop your urine stream. Practice slowly squeezing the same muscle throughout the day. Work up to 50 repetitions and hold the muscle tight for 8 to 10 seconds.

Your uterus is continuing to grow and develop, now reaching roughly 2.8 inches above your navel. You may start noticing around this time your energy starts dropping. Your body is working hard to create a new life, and this is the period of time your baby is growing quite a lot. Because your uterus is moving closer to your rib cage, it can be difficult for your lungs to fully expand. This does not mean your baby is being deprived of oxygen. The pregnancy hormones have helped you out — they are causing your circulatory system to work more efficiently, pumping more oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to you and your baby. To help alleviate shortness of breath, slow down, reduce stress, and decrease your activity.

You probably weigh 16 to 22 pounds more than your pre-pregnancy weight. You may feel off balance as you get bigger, which is normal. Remember to take it slow. Stretch marks may become visible as your uterus continues to expand. The placenta is producing more hormones, including progesterone, which is vital in helping your uterine muscles relax. While these hormones do wonderful things for your baby and your body, they may have an effect on your moods. If you experience mood swings, try to relax and ride them out. Don't take them too seriously; most are caused by hormonal shifts.

Some women are candidates for home uterine monitoring after 27 weeks pregnant. These include women who have a history of premature labor or those at risk for premature labor. High-risk complications can often place a woman at risk for premature labor. In these cases it helps to monitor the uterus for contractions to help prevent a delivery that is too early. Your healthcare provider will discuss this with you if they feel it is necessary.

Your Baby's Growth at Week 27

Your baby is over 2 pounds and is almost 15 inches long. Your baby is now perfectly formed, though she still has a lot of growing to do in the upcoming weeks. The internal organs and systems continue to grow, mature and develop. Around this time your baby's eyelids will open (up until this point in time they were fused together). Sometime around weeks 27 to 28 they finally open. During this time the retina of the eye also starts maturing, allowing your baby's eyes to finally receive light and translate images.

The forebrain grows to cover the rest of the brain, resulting in some important brain development. Your baby's muscle coordination will allow him or her to start thumb sucking. This activity calms your baby and strengthens cheek and jaw muscles for nursing. Your baby will be taking some breaths, and although breathing in, it is good practice for the lungs. Your baby may be able to recognize your voice and your partner's voice.

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you may be prescribed a Fetal Doppler to use at home. They are only available via prescription and are monitored by the FDA. However, a woman with a routine low-risk pregnancy may want to listen to her baby in utero. 

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