14 Personality Traits That Show Your Partner Will Be a Great Father
Starting a family with someone is a lifelong commitment. At the beginning of a relationship, a lot of the time, it is all butterflies, flutters, and excitement. Yet, after committing to a family, your life will look different years down the road. Your relationship changes and evolves. Sure, there may still be passion and love, but now you are responsible for little humans. Before you venture into a lifelong commitment with someone by starting a family, getting a good sense of who they would be as a parent is always a good idea. While having a magic genie who can tell us the future in this situation would be fabulous, it's impossible. So, going with the next best thing is a good plan. Study the potential dad-to-be and be on the lookout for personality traits that show your partner will be a good father.
The future is unexplored, and knowing how your life will turn out is impossible. However, when you are ready to start a family, ensuring your partner is in it for the long haul is important. According to the Institute for Family Studies, studies have shown that children with an attentive and loving father reap many benefits, including being more likely to thrive in several areas (such as socially and financially) of their lives.
Why Children Benefit From a Great Father
Parenting is not always easy, and having someone who can walk alongside you and parent your children with you is a privilege for many. Children with two parents who are attentive, protective, and loving but know how to set boundaries are essential. Children can benefit from a great father:
- An authoritative father can help children thrive socially, academically, and emotionally.
- Promotes good mental health for infants and children.
- Father involvement may mean fewer behavioral issues in children.
- Dad's involvement helps set up success for their child's future.
How To Tell Your Partner Will Be a Great Father
If you are ready to start a family with your partner, several telling signs will reveal how he will do as a dad. While there are a whole host of personality types out there, he may not be every one of these things. However, if your partner possesses these positive personality traits, there's a good chance he will make a great father.
Shows Respect to His Mother and You
Pay attention to how your partner treats his mother, grandmother, sister, and you. Does he respect the women in his life, or does he have a superior attitude? Even if it's subtle, the future father of your children must have respect towards women (and really all people.) After all, there's a fifty-fifty chance you will have a daughter with him one day.
If your spouse is respectful towards the women in his life and you, that's a positive sign.
He is Patient
Patience is a virtue; it doesn't come easily in our fast-paced world. Is your partner patient, or does he flip his lid at the slightest inconvenience?
Parenting will be a trying experience for both of you. Stresses come and go, children's personalities don't always mesh, academics, finances, etc. Multiple different situations will arise as parents that will test your patience. Will you always be able to be patient? No, but the more patient your partner is now, the easier it will be for him as you grow your family.
He is Supportive of Your Dreams
Great dads are supportive. Is your partner supportive of you and your dreams and goals? Does he do what he can to help you reach those dreams? If so, chances are he'll be a great dad.
A good dad will know how to support their child's dreams, even if they look different than his. Support when your ideas and thoughts don't align exactly with theirs is also a great sign. This means he has an open mind and is willing to be supportive even if life looks different than what he thought it would.
He is Attentive
Children who have attentive parents thrive. That is why intention and involvement are important in families. Does your partner pay attention to you when you speak to him? Is he willing to go the extra mile and be involved in what you love? Is he intentional about your feelings, ideas, and plans?
If he is, he will carry that attentiveness over to your child, precisely what they need.
Can Show Empathy
Empathy is not something everyone possesses. Empathy, which differs from sympathy, means your partner can sense or imagine your feelings. They may have never experienced your situation; however, they can put themselves in someone else's shoes and either sense emotions or be in tune with what a person is feeling or thinking.
Thankfully, empathy can be learned, so don't give up if your partner lacks it.
However, if they already possess this trait, they will be able to be empathetic with their children, which is a positive sign.
Loves to be Playful
Children love to play. They also love to play with other people, especially their dads. If your partner isn't serious one hundred percent of the time, that may be a great sign. Jokes, laughing, and playfulness are positive traits that may mean they will be great fathers.
Children benefit immensely from playing with their dads. According to the Michigan Psychological Association, children whose dads play with them are positively affected in many areas of their lives, including socially and emotionally. Playing with Dad also impacts learning how to control emotions.
He is Honest
Honesty is essential for any relationship. If your partner is honest, they will likely make good dads. This is because honesty promotes healthy relationships. He won't be worried about covering up a lie or living a secret life. Instead, he can focus on his children and build strong relationships.
Furthermore, honesty promotes a strong bond between father and kids. They will know they can trust their dad. Trust is one of the fundamental foundations of any relationship.
Has a Strong Work Ethic and is Dependable
Having a solid work ethic is beneficial in a few different ways. For starters, it means they aren't afraid of hard work and doing what they must to provide for their families. Families will feel secure knowing their father will do whatever he can to care for them. These traits make it easy to count on him because he is dependable.
Additionally, a strong work ethic can be taught. Therefore, your partner can teach your children how to cultivate a strong work ethic.
He is Encouraging
Encouragement is important for children. If your partner is already encouraging, he will likely not have a difficult time transferring that encouragement to your children.
Does he build you up when you are feeling down? How about during a difficult season in life? Can you count on your partner to be there for you when tragedy strikes? Is your partner willing to give you a different, more positive outlook on situations? These traits come in handy as you parent children.
Has Sensitivity and is Slow to Judge
It's easy to judge someone; it takes more effort to be sensitive. Does your partner possess the ability to be slow to judge? Your children will make mistakes and may have friends you don't understand, ideas that are different than yours, etc. They will need you to be patient and sensitive as they navigate life.
Less judgment means having a more open mind and not jumping to conclusions.
He is Protective
If your partner already shows protective traits, he will likely be a protective father. Being protective and overprotective are two different things, though. A protective father makes it his business to keep his family safe. He will prioritize giving them a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, and a safe place to grow up.
A protective father is also willing to make his child's business his business. He will know their friends and who they are hanging out with. Furthermore, he will also be available to give advice and listen to his children.
He is Adaptable
Being adaptable as a parent is vital. Many situations will go differently than planned, but having adaptability means he is willing to go with the flow. If this is the case, you will feel more at ease, and so will your children.
Values His Time
Does your partner value his time? If so, that is a positive sign. A solid work ethic is a great trait; however, a great father will know how to prioritize work and family time. He will value time with his children and you. Additionally, a great father knows how to leave work at work and bring his mind back to his children and partner.
Easily Forgives
Learning how to forgive is a gift that you give yourself. It frees you from spending valuable time upset over something. Instead, it gives you time to prioritize your family.
Furthermore, children make mistakes, and so do partners. It's important to know how to forgive and move forward to create a strong foundation. If your partner holds a grudge for years, it can be difficult to move past it and build the strong foundation that children need to thrive.
One Last Note
If you are considering starting a family with your partner, now is a great time to start paying attention to his traits. Is he patient and hardworking? What about dependability and sensitivity? Many characteristics make a good parent. Nevertheless, these 15 personality traits show that your partner will be a great father.