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10 Simple Gifts for Teachers

10 Simple Gifts for Teachers

10 Simple Gifts for Teachers
© Andy Dean Photography/Shutterstock.com
10 Simple Gifts for Teachers

10 Simple Gifts for Teachers

10 Simple Gifts for Teachers

10 Simple Gifts for Teachers

1. Make something homemade like these mason jars filled with Homemade Salted Caramel topped with fresh apples. This is a good one because think about it, we don't want all the extra junk food in the house tempting us so just imagine junk food times 20 from each kid in the class.

2. I love this idea of a lip balm for those of us whose kids have multiple teachers. We did something similar this year for my daughter's Sunday School teachers (there are 7) each one received a balm and a tin filled with Hershey hugs and kisses with a little note 'Hugs and Kisses Love Molly'.

3. Another practical gift I liked was this one, cute pun and all. If you wanted to make it a little more substantial, you could always add a lotion and some warm gloves too.

4. Who doesn't love a gift card? Coffee, Target, or a Visa gift card are all quick gift go-tos for anyone really. Get the free printable here.

5, 6, & 7. Supplies! Teachers are usually required to purchase their own supplies and Christmas is about half-way through the year, so replenish their stocks with new supplies like scissors, markers, or a bunch of stuff like this one

 8. A nice little plant or herb for home or school, like this mug-turned-planter.

9. Candles, because even if they have a million candles, what's one more? Looking to splurge a little? You could get them a nice warmer too.

10. I love my puns! This one was just too cute to pass up.

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