

Family Life


These are the Traits You Got From Your Father

Happy mother and father hugging two children enjoying and having fun. Smiling family looking at each other. Little cute daughter and son play with mom and dad on couch.

These are the Traits You Got From Your Father

Have you ever thought about which traits you inherited from your parents? These traits can play an important role in determining your behavior, personality, physical features, and genetic health risks. Parents often look out for traits that their baby has that resemble their own. The first things that come to mind when we think of inheritance are physical traits passed down. However, genetics play an interesting role in determining more than height or eye color. Fathers give their children a special set of genes that can mold different qualities, from special talents to quirky personalities. In this article, we will explore different traits you got from your father.

Hitting Puberty Early

Both parents’ genetics play a part in when your body starts to change, like getting your period, cracking voices, and acne. A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine states that if you started puberty early, before nine years in boys and eight years in girls, that may be a gene you inherited from your father. This genetic mutation results in what is known as premature puberty.

Eye Colour

Light eyes are known as a recessive gene, and dark eyes are known as a dominant gene. These two genes determine the child’s eye color. If the father’s eyes are the dominant color, then the baby can have his eyes.


Close up of woman's open smiling mouth with gap teeht. Lips and unusual teeth.

Another physical trait you got from your father is your tooth structure. A specific gene detects the gap between teeth. With that said, if the father has a gap between his two front teeth, then the child is likely to have it too.

Y-Linked Disorders – Webbed Toes

Barefoot young boy with webbed toe, syndactyly of the middle toes on right foot. Genetic congenital conditions and common birth abnormalities.

Since boys have the XY sex chromosome, they must inherit their Y chromosome from their father. This means they will get all the genes on this chromosome that control sperm production and other male traits. Furthermore, they can get any disorders caused by mutations on the Y chromosome. These disorders include more hair on the out ear and webbed toes.


Woman with anxious feelings. Girl with a negative pregnancy test. Close-up of hands holding pregnancy test. These Are the Traits You Got From Your Father

According to a study published in Science, a woman’s fertility might be impacted by a gene inherited from her father. In an ordinary egg cell, a section of the cell known as the centrioles is removed as part of the natural development process. Additionally, if centrioles are not removed due to a genetic disfunction passed on by her father, then she may be sterile. In addition, men with a low sperm count and having invetro can pass their infertility trait to their sons.


Young man measuring his son's height at homeThese Are the Traits You Got From Your Father

Height is a fairly popular trait you got from your father. If your father is tall, then you would also be tall. It all depends on both parents’ genetics.


father and son wiping nose, illness. These Are the Traits You Got From Your Father

Known as ‘Achoo’ syndrome. You end up sneezing when looking directly into a bright light or the sun. Should the father have this syndrome, the baby will also display it because it is a dominant genetic trait.

Mental Disorders

While mental disorders can be passed on by both parents, studies have shown that if the father is older than 45 years old when the baby is born and has ADHD or schizophrenia, it can also be passed on to the child.

Hair Type

Having curly hair is a more dominant gene than straight hair. So, if the father has curly hair, the baby will probably have curly hair too.

Behavioural Traits

Father and son ride, cycling their bikes together, on sunny day, Happy family in helmets is riding bikes having fun.

You can inherit certain behavioral traits from your father, such as risk-bearing or a love for adventure. You may also enjoy the outdoors and scouts; if your father enjoyed this, he would have most likely shared his experience with you, making it a fatherly bond. 

Finger Length

A unique physical trait you got from your father can be your finger length. If the dad has short fingers, then the baby will probably have short fingers too.

How You Store Fat

close up of woman hand pinching excessive belly fat

In your body, you have two types of fat: white fat and brown fat. Brown fat is used for energy, and white fat is stored in your body. Your father’s gene has an influence on how much and where you store white fat. While your mother’s gene affects how much and where you store brown fat. However, if the father is overweight, it does not necessarily mean the child will grow up to be overweight too. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise should be maintained daily.


Woman, mouth and lipgloss for beauty in studio, textures and skincare on black background. Female person, lips and shine for filler or dermatology, treatment and skin textures for grooming or glow

If the father has broad lips, the baby will have broad lips too. This is because having broad lips is a dominant trait and thin lips are a recessive trait.

A Lot of Body Hair

Closeup of a hairy man's chest

The next trait you got from your father is ample body hair. This is because it is a dominant trait. With that said, if the father has a hairy chest and the baby is a boy, the baby will most likely have a hairy chest too when he grows up.

Dimples and Freckles


These two final traits you got from your father can include dimples and freckles. Dimples are super cute, and those who don’t have them want them. This abnormality is caused by an indent in the cheek. Some individuals have it on one cheek, and others have it on both.

Finally, those with red, blonde, or light brown hair usually develop freckles. Freckles are caused by the overproduction of melanin. This pigment gives your eyes, skin, and hair color. Your skin cells produce melanin, and it protects your skin from the sun by reflecting and absorbing ultraviolet light.

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