Adjectives to Describe Texture
What does it look/feel like? Describing texture should enable the reader to imagine the texture in their hands or against their skin.
With 325 words to describe texture, you can give your writing vivid detail to engross your literary fans.
AAbrading Abrasive Acute Affected Angular | BBald Ballooned Barbed Bendable Blemished Blistered Bloated Blunt Boiling Bolstered Bouncy Broken Bristly Bubbly Bulging Bulky Bumpy Burning Burnished Bushy | CCaked Caressing Carved Chafing Channeled Chapped Cheap Chilly Chunky Clammy Clean Coagulated Coarse Cold Concentrated Cool Corduroy Corrugated Cozy Cottony Cratered Crawly Creamy Creepy Crocheted Crooked Crude Crumbly Cuddly Curdled Cushioned Cut Cutting | DDamaged Damp Dank Decorated Dehydrated Dense Dented Dirt-Free Dirty Disfigured Distended Downy Drenched Dripping Dry Dull Durable Dusty | EElastic Emblazoned Embossed Enameled Encrusted Engorged Engraved Enlarged Etched Even Expanded Extreme |
FFat Feathery Fiery Filmy Filthy Fine Finish Firm Fizzy Flat Flattened Flawed Flawless Fleecy Fluffy Fluted Foamy Freezing Fresh Frigid Frothy Furred Furry Fuzzy | GGelatinous Glassy Glazed Glossy Glutinous Gooey Gossamer Grainy Granular Grating Gravelly Greasy Grimy Grinding Gritty Grooved Grubby Grungy | HHairy Hard Harsh Heated Hot | IIcy Ill-Defined Immaculate Impenetrable Imperfect Imprecise Imprinted Indented Inflated Inflexible Inlaid Inscribed Inset Ironed Irregular Itching Itchy | JJagged Jarring Jumbled | KKeen Kiss Knitted Knobbed |
LLacy Layer Level Limp Lined Longhaired Lustrous | MMalleable Marked Matte Matted Mild Moist Mosaic Mucky Mushy Muted Mutilated | NNeat Nonglossy Not Glossy Not Shiny Numbing | OOrnamented | PPadded Parched Patterned Perfect Pitted Pleated Pliable Plush Pocked Pockmarked Pointed Pointy Polished Potholed Pressed Prickly Printed Puffed Out Puffed Up Pulpy Pure |
RRagged Raw Razor Sharp Refined Ribbed Ridged Rigid Rough Runny Rutted | SSandy Sanitary Satiny Saturated Scalding Scaled Scarred Scorching Scored Scraped Scratched Scratching Scratchy Sculptured Searing Serrated Set In Severe Shaggy Sharp Sharp-Edged Sheer Silky Silky-Smooth Sleek Slick Slight Slimy Slippery Smooth Smooth As Glass Smoothed Smudged Snarling Soaked Soaking Soapy Sodden Soft Soggy Soiled Solid Sopping Sparkling Spick-And-Span Spikey Spiny Splintered Spongy Spotless Springy Squishy Stamped Steamed Steely Sterile Sticky Stiff Stinging Strong Stubbly Swollen Syrupy | TTangled Thick Thin Thorny Tickling Tidy Tiled Tingly Toothed Tough Tweedy | UUnblemished Unbreakable Uncomfortable Uncompromising Undulation Uneven Unsoiled Untarnished Unyielding | VVarnished Velvety Veneered Very Cold Viscous |
WWarm Waterlogged Wavy Waxy Well-Defined Well-Honed Wet Withered Wool Woolen Woolly Woven | YYielding |

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